Thanks from Myrath


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2013
Hi everybody,

We would like to thank every single person who supported us, the bands we met there (btw special thanks again to Mats from Circus Maximus for the guitar !), our PP sponsors, our long time friends who were there, the whole PPUS Crew (too much names !), Nightmare Records, and the press journalists who supported us..

It was a marvelous experience and a magnificent US debut for the band.
We felt very welcome and we would love to come back to the US as soon as possible !

Thanks again !
Your performance was incredible to begin with, but hearing about how you made it in spite of all the obstacles made it even more amazing. Thank YOU for destroying the place! :headbang:
I hadn't listened to Myrath before the show, and wasn't really expecting too much, but I was blown away by the Myrath set! Y'all have totally earned my respect and I hope to see you in the US again sometime!

...sometime soon, preferably!

Thank YOU for one of the most memorable sets I’ve ever witnessed in 8 years of attending this festival! Amazing musicianship and energy…and all the more impressive given the travel difficulties and lost luggage that you had to deal with. Please come back to the States soon (although maybe on a different Airline)! :lol:
Second band of the fest. Left no room for anyone else to have a shot at "best of the fest." You guys crushed it! You were the single largest reason that I was willing to do quite a lot to attend this year.

Thank you for the amazing memories and the beautiful performance.
I was excited when I got the news I would be a co-sponsor. The show Myrath put on exceeded my wildest hopes. For a band to make this 40 something, buttoned down, suburban dude bang his head and yell like a teenager is one hell of an accomplishment. Thanks, guys!
Thank you for putting on one hell of a performance! I was blown away myself, especially considering the flight fuck-ups you guys had to endure to get to ProgPower. Was also cool to have seen you guys at the airport Sunday afternoon on the way home as well (was sitting at the table next to me and Dave in the food court).
... bang his head and yell like a teenager is one hell of an accomplishment. Thanks, guys!

I heard you scream like a little girl!

Myrath - awesome show. Thank you for exceeding almost everyone's expectations. Don't get me wrong - expectations were high - you are a prog band :) - you just went above and beyond. Hope to see you again on a future US tour.
Going to sound like a broken record here, but so what:

I really enjoy all of your recordings which I listen to frequently and I was really looking forward to seeing you guys play. And I was BLOWN AWAY by your show. Best of the festival for me.

Thanks for all your efforts to get to the US to play for us (and thanks to Glenn for bringing Myrath to the festival). Please come back to the US soon!
Thanks a lot, guys.. one of the best sets of the festival, and it was a pleasure to hang out with Kevin and Morgan Thursday night at DaVincis, even as tired as they were and trying to sort out all of the possible scenarios for Friday.. Hopefully one day soon a North American tour will be in your future!
I have been so fortunate to sponsor the band that both surprised and killed at PP 2 out of the last 3 years. It was an honor to sponsor and hang out with them and Nidhal, their manager.

Also, when they played madness, I almost spontaneously combusted.

Myrath was one of the main reasons I was looking forward to PPUSA this year, and you didn't disappoint at all. In fact, your performance was *considerably* better than I expected (and I expected a lot)!!

Here's to much continued success for my favorite Tunisians! BTW, I was in Tunis 2 years ago (just for a ship stop)...lovely country and nice people!!

Thanks for a fantastic show!
