Thanks from Nightmare Records


The Nightmare Has Begun..
I'd like to thank all the peeps that stopped by the Nightmare tables and spent your heard earned cash on great music and our new coffee. It was great to see you all and meet a few friends in person that I hadn't before.

Got a little time with some, saw others in passing and said hi, thanks for those that found me in the vendor area just to say hello, it was great seeing you all.

Enjoyed hanging with Zod, I could talk to that guy forever I think lol.

Of course, I'd very much like to thank Glenn and Jenn, the crew for your assistance (always the best) and Center Stage. It felt a little different without the old venue staff there, those guys are special and had become part of the family, but Terminator came by to say hi so that was cool!
I'm sad I didn't get to chat at you this year, but I did give you some money! I would've bought coffee but my bag was already about to explode by the time I had my discs and shirts. Pretty sadface on that one.
Thanks again for the getting those Seraphim albums! Those are now the crown jewels of my CD collection :D
Its always great to stop by the Nightmare tables! You got me for 17 cds before the vendor room was even open for regular ticket holders lol, and I picked up 5 or 6 more from you during the weekend!
Damnations Day??? BUY IT! Awesome cd! I have 43 cds to listen to, yet this one has been spun 4 times already! Its that good
Happy to chat w/ya, even if I didn't make it to the vendor room this year, at all.... :(

Just remember, when it's time to build that commune! :heh:

HAHAHAHAHA, forgot about that conversation with you and then with Suche...
well seems we're all on the same page... let's pick a nice remote location with mountains and a river flowing through it :)