Thanks obsessive spammers!

I think we should have a vote of everyoen who was here a year ago (Dec 2002 or earlier) of who to bring into a provate forum. 70% acceptance rate required for newer members :)
Or banning Lårdo, but that would be too easy and helpful, wouldn't it?
xenophobe said:
Yes, and the particular person whom is mostly to blame, and has a postcount average of 50 per day... there were days inbetween where he would not post, so his average "posting session" would actually be several hundred posts in the matter of a few hours.

Feel lucky you never took the brunt of his spam in one of your forums.

Good point.
Perhaps I should just not display posts or rep any longer - maybe then the focus of discussion on this forum will be to actually CHAT with people rather than boost post counts.

The point of closing the long threads was to encourage the creation of shorter threads for immediate conversation, rather than 1000-reply-long threads where new users may feel discouraged to take part in.
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Please delete post counts AND rep...

If you want friendlieness to new people, you find it here, not off topic. Are you so not-involved in reading both forums thouogly enough to notice this Mark?

The threads here that are large DO have a lot of new user participation, and it's something familiar that they don't have to check every five minutes to come back and respond something in.

In Off topic, there are pages of threads to sort through each day. Certainly the casual user is turned off when trying to find the responses to their posts.

I think you're WAY wrong on that call Mark. :p
Mark said:
Perhaps I should just not display posts or rep any longer - maybe then the focus of discussion on this forum will be to actually CHAT with people rather than boost post counts.
I have to agree with that. There are lots of people who are so obsessed with their post count and rep. Removing it would prevent useless threads about counting, repping, etc.
Well, try showing up in some other forums and say "hi I'm new, but think differently than you" and see what happens.

I'm all for removing post counts and rep. I did like the threads here, the ONLY reason I paid for my membership were the people in this forum

I'm quite frankly PISSED that the real problem is being overwashed by a stupid rule that makes no sense.
i like rep because its a way for me to send messages to people without having to send a private message which feels more like an email, and sometimes i just want to write a " :lol: " .

why dont we keep rep, but make it so that no one sees how many points you have? just make everyone have a gray dot, but dont disable it completely, methinks.
Actually, take away rep points and reputation, but leave the comments active.

It's nice to be able to say something to someone without having to email them or PM them. But it doesn't need to be anonymous.

And Mark, if you were worried about spammers and their rep counts... Look at where most of the people whom post counts mattered were from (off topic) :p
Thank you Mark! I think this is best like this now!

No reason for the spammers to increase their post counts! YAY!!!

And we can have our fun threads back. :)