Thanks to all....

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Utopian Blaster
Oct 6, 2005
The Fens
...those people who rec. me as the new forum mod for this forum. This is the only forum I now post on, and I do this for a reason - it had injected me with fresh enthusiasm for finding new bands, and introduced me to some great new people.

I wouldn't make a great mod, to be honest, but I am extremely flattered to have garnered so much support, especially in my absence.

For my part - I think Erik did a good job, though his sense of humour was often misunderstood. I think V5 would do a great job, and - for what it's worth - other great mods would be Life Sucks, Necuratul, Necro Joe and Stormwatch.

Thanks again, and if I'm not about for a day or so at a time, it's because I'm busy at work.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! :kickass:

Edited by poster
You're one of the genuinely good posters here, man. You're an all around likeable guy and even though you and I tended to butt heads on occasion on Mithras, goregrind outside of Carcass, etc. :)p), I still highly respect your opinions on shit.

Anyway before this gets homoerotic, cheers...
metal paddy said:
You know paddy thinks you are one of the best in here :kickass: You should have become a mod THIS PLACE IS BEGINING TO BRING ME DOWN :cry: :cry:

Padster, you're me fave tattie picker AND YOU KNOW THAT BRUV :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
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