Thanks to the Sponsors


Sep 13, 2003
For the three years I've enjoyed ProgPower, I'd be remiss to not thank Paul Cashman for getting me interested in the festival in the first place as well as helping bring in some of my favorite metal acts. Therion tore it up last weekend, and I'll never forget Nightwish's mesmerising performance. I am not a huge fan of Pain of Salvation, but I respect their talent and enjoyed their set. I do wish I could have seen Devin Townsend's performance, as Ocean Machine rules.

Who all sponsored bands this year? My thanks to everyone who pitched in to make this event such a blast.
You can see the names (real names) of the sponsors this year in the Prog-Power VI Program Booklet I think.
From the booklet:
Strato: David Hatchell, Jonathan Halyalkar
Therion: Paul Cashman
Symphorce: Cristen Gonzalez, Brian and Angela Ash
Manticora: Chris and Ambra Freel
Stride: Doc and Katherine Fenner, Jeff Willmann
Conception: Dave and Mare Thomas
Angra: Richard Holbert, Sean Quiqley and
Dave and I at

We appreciate the thanks, but the pleasure is truly ours. Dave and I love this festival and will do all we can to keep it going, including sponsoring a band every year.
AMBR said:
From the booklet:
Strato: David Hatchell, Jonathan Halyalkar
Therion: Paul Cashman
Symphorce: Cristen Gonzalez, Brian and Angela Ash
Manticora: Chris and Ambra Freel
Stride: Doc and Katherine Fenner, Jeff Willmann
Conception: Dave and Mare Thomas
Angra: Richard Holbert, Sean Quiqley and
Dave and I at

We appreciate the thanks, but the pleasure is truly ours. Dave and I love this festival and will do all we can to keep it going, including sponsoring a band every year.

Yep, agreed word for word.* I realized after ProgPower 2.0 (first one in Atlanta) that Glenn really had something going, and having known him from "olden times" on the Ytsejam Mailing List, I decided I'd try to help out. I became the festival's first (and now 'oldest') non-corporate sponsor that year.** It's been an outstanding ride ever since, and Glenn has now proven to the metal world what one man can do with a vision, some startup funds, some connections in "the scene" and an unusually heavy dose of honesty.

* well, except for the 'Dave' part :)
** I'm counting Jim Raggi and LotFP as a 'corporate' sponsor, which is pretty damned funny. Don't tell him, though, or I'll end up on the cover of his next issue :D
Pellaz said:
I became the festival's first (and now 'oldest') non-corporate sponsor that year.**

* well, except for the 'Dave' part :)
** I'm counting Jim Raggi and LotFP as a 'corporate' sponsor, which is pretty damned funny. Don't tell him, though, or I'll end up on the cover of his next issue :D

Or on the the new LOTFP shirt, "Enemy of the Music Business"....
Hail to Orphaned Land until the very end of days.

Ben, I figured that I have the reputation as "the goth" at ProgPower, so I thought I'd stick with the DCD avatar. I tried to upload a Peter Murphy icon, but it wasn't as cool at that size.
I like it. It's pretty dense, but I like it. It'll take a while to crack, thankfully it won't be a chore to do so (though if listening to an album is a chore, it's time to take it to a used CD place ;) ).
BenMech said:
Excellent thread this has become.
As Paul, the band, and/or Glenn would tell you, Orphaned Land WERE THEIR OWN SPONSORS

Hey, I was sure I was gonna be their sponsor -- Glenn had emailed me about it -- until Therion was announced....then I had to email him and ask, since Therion had been on my list of possible bands for a year or two as a "dream on, dude, it'll never happen" sponsorship. :Spin:

Orphaned Land were their own -- excellent -- promotions department, too. For ProgPower, there are few better ways for a band to make friends than to hang out, be accessible, play an entire extra gig at the pre-party, etc. I'll support any band whose music I like......but I'll really heavily support a band that's cool to me, cool to their fans, and goes the extra mile. Orphaned Land have become one of those bands. :worship:
Pellaz said:
Hey, I was sure I was gonna be their sponsor -- Glenn had emailed me about it -- until Therion was announced....then I had to email him and ask, since Therion had been on my list of possible bands for a year or two as a "dream on, dude, it'll never happen" sponsorship. :Spin:

Orphaned Land were their own -- excellent -- promotions department, too. For ProgPower, there are few better ways for a band to make friends than to hang out, be accessible, play an entire extra gig at the pre-party, etc. I'll support any band whose music I like......but I'll really heavily support a band that's cool to me, cool to their fans, and goes the extra mile. Orphaned Land have become one of those bands. :worship:

Orphaned Land was way up on our list of bands we wanted to sponsor. In fact we were discussing sponsoring them the next year when we were at PPV. Glenn asked us to sponsor Angra, so I guess he needed the help there more. I'm glad OL made it even without the extra support. They were one of the biggest high lights of the whole festival for me. :headbang:
Happy as hell to do it...looking forward to future sponsorships...

Thanks for the good words!

Rock on!

If I'd known Orphaned Land were not being sponsored, I would have bought their female vocalist a round-trip ticket. As awesome as their sets were, they would have been even more awesome with her singing her parts.
BenMech said:
Excellent thread this has become.
As Paul, the band, and/or Glenn would tell you, Orphaned Land WERE THEIR OWN SPONSORS

Btw Derek - megaprops for the Dying Sun avatar pic

Orphaned Land was my baby from the start come hell or high water. I actually needed the acoustic show in order to pull it off. Flights from Israel aren't cheap.

Glenn H.
kittybeast said:
Thank you to the sponsors...a great show indeed.

I did meet a Britt who told me he helped sponsor SYMPHORCE so a :wave: to him!!!
I'm so important I didn't make the booklet :) I was kind of late in the game on the VIP thing, and I think they went to press just prior to me and Jason stepping in for the original Symphorce sponsors. Maybe we'll get our due next year ?

I was kind of hoping the same thing Britt. I think we definitely missed being mentioned due to the timing of when the various items went to press. All in all though, knowing that I helped support the festival in a big way is definitely more rewarding. :)

Ruthven said:
My thanks to everyone who pitched in to make this event such a blast.

Thanks for the "tip of the hat"! :Spin: It was an honor to be able to help out in our own little way...and like ashaman7122...I'm looking forward to future sponsorships!
