Thanks....with only one real disappointment


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
I'm still recovering from this weekend & trying to decompress from all the stresses involved, but wanted to stop by & say thanks to everyone for coming out. I had a blast this weekend...meeting everyone, seeing great bands & hanging out afterwards.:kickass: :headbang: :kickass:

However, the only huge disappointment for us this year is the fact that someone who actually hangs out on this board & who we assumed was a fest supporter was caught red-handed trying to steal (yes, STEAL!!!) a bottle of Jack Daniels from the tub in the official Powerfest party room at the hotel on Friday night, which was of course provided by us for everyone at the afterparty. Not only that, but this also happened within minutes of this person & his two friends/accomplices hanging out with Kelly from Atheist in the room & then telling me how awesome that & the fest is. WTF?!?!?!? Now I feel like I was being buttered up for some backstabbing treachery...FUCK!!!! And not only does this act just suck ass, but it was a huge buzzkill for me that night...thanks!!! :confused: :bah: :mad:

Well, I guess it's another lesson learned this year...:Smug:

Also, a word of advice to anyone hosting a hotel room party where people you don't know will be attending...NEVER trust anyone wearing a fuckin' backpack...which may potentially be used for it was this weekend. :mad: :rolleyes:

p.s. A huge THANK YOU to Rick for foiling the crime & bringing it to my rawk bro!! We're glad to at least have friends like you!!! :kickass:

Take care,
Should have showed him the "Stop being a cunt" shirt then kick his ass.

I didn't have any disappointments, my first visit to Chicago Powerfest was definately a postive one. I'll be there next year, probably in the hotel. I didn't stay in the hotel this time :( I don't think it's possible to get a band that could excite me more than Atheist though.
That sucks... at least it wasn't a successful theft! It was awesome to meet you and talk to you for however long I got to.

How were the final attendance figures? Is next year happening?! If so, keep me updated with what we talked about ;)
Aaahhh.....yet another great Jack Daniels mystery solved with no harm done!!
This Rick guy should get a medal.....didn't he know who took it last year too? ;) heheheh was a good time, and after all that crazy stuff we had some good laughs about it (deers in headlights!!), don't think I laughed that hard in a loooong time hehehehe:headbang:
~Annie should go to my MySpace site, I think you'll get a kick out of the pics up there right now Rob.....looks like you need another laugh (or if not you'll be kicking my butt the next time we see each other :lol: )
I heard about the Jack Daniels incident. How lame! Good thing he was caught.

Rob, it was great meeting and hanging out with you this weekend. We had a great time. I wish we could have said goodbye before we left, but I still felt crappy from Saturday and we had a long drive ahead of us.

Thanks so much for all you do. You will probably be getting a long-winded e-mail from me tonight. :)

That sucks... at least it wasn't a successful theft! It was awesome to meet you and talk to you for however long I got to.

How were the final attendance figures? Is next year happening?! If so, keep me updated with what we talked about ;)

Yes, that's true! The metal gods were with us...thankfully! ;)

It was great talking to you too & sorry we didn't get to talk more. And I will definitely keep you posted about what we talked about...there is a very good chance it may work out as there was someone else else who appraoched me about the same thing. Although, I can remember right now who that was..but I know there was someone & I'm sure I'll remember later. :loco: :p
I heard about the Jack Daniels incident. How lame! Good thing he was caught.

Rob, it was great meeting and hanging out with you this weekend. We had a great time. I wish we could have said goodbye before we left, but I still felt crappy from Saturday and we had a long drive ahead of us.

Thanks so much for all you do. You will probably be getting a long-winded e-mail from me tonight. :)


It was great hanging with you & Scott Friday night...I had a blast all things considered.

Oh a question for you...

Have you ever hung out with Atheist? :lol: :lol: :lol:
It was great to meet you Rob (although I'm not sure you recognized me, since I hardly ever post), but I was hanging out with pate all weekend. It was the best metal festival that I have ever been to, and it was the most fun that I have ever had. Thanks a ton!