
Yes, it is an internet type romance.

Quick pic? OK!

The lady in the post above is Maureen, she's 45 and lives in Pittsburgh.

I was searching for people with the same musical, literary interests etc, and saw her photo in the search. I invited her to start IMing, we started talking (I love VOIP and webcams!) and now it seems my future is on a distant shore!

Whatever happens, it's gonna be quite an adventure!

I've also sent her a few CDs of stuff she may not have happened across including a few tracks by Saxon, so I may be spreading the word!

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
:lol: :lol:

Us girlies are just born nosey when it comes to romance and stuff like that, I love to hear about these online romances and find out how they end up. /quote]

Yeah, I am always fascinated about how people met, and the girls at work are always swapping stories of how we met our exes/current fella, for online romances...been there, done that (only once, mind!), won't be doing it again!! :lol: Got no questions for Klingonbear at the mo, I think you covered everything I wanted to know!!lol Great minds think alike!! :D
Hang on, just thought of some questions! I knew it wouldn't take me long... :D

So, long have you known Maureen? Any idea when you will get to meet her in the flesh?

While I'm here - has anyone else got any romantic/funny stories about how they met their partners?
Yes she looks very nice Klingonbear:) . Remember we all want invited to the wedding and we'll try and organise it so Saxon play at your wedding as well:headbang: How cool would that be. Or if Saxon are too busy,I DEFINITELY COULD get Blitzkrieg to play at your forthcoming nuptials:kickass: