
Bastet said:
i bet i doesn't

This is just unfair, taking one sentence out of the context. And what could I do if it doesn't break my heart today? Should each day be a heartbreaking day, each hour a heartbreaking hour? Each weep a heartbreaking weep,

naaaa naaannaaaaa

each word a heartbreaking word
each smile a heartbreaking smile
each tear a heartbreaking tear
each life a heartbreaking life
oh see
darkness in me
darkness in me
darkness in me

each post a heartbreaking post
each post a true post
each post a true post
each post a true post

oh see
what I mean
what I mean
what I mean

each me in me
each me in me
each me in me

*fading bass, naturally*
Elephant beer is nasty, it might be some version of what's called master brew here, that's 10,5 %. Even nastier, I served it to my friend's wife few weeks ago, made her spend the rest of the evening trying to turn my living room into a swimming pool. My friend finally talked her out of it and took her home. Few hours later we got a message from him that he wanted a divorce, dead serious too. Nasty stuff.

This is great:

Tastes a bit like Guinness slash regular carlsberg.
ah carlsberg speical brew is pure anasthetic, nice and sweet too, just like the guinness export. Few bottles of either at the end of the night and its off to the land of coma for a calm and pleasant overnight journey arriving in hangover city the next morning just in time for your 9 am conference call to huey and rolph on the big white telephone. :ill:
Allan said:
Elephant beer is nasty, it might be some version of what's called master brew here, that's 10,5 %. Even nastier, I served it to my friend's wife few weeks ago, made her spend the rest of the evening trying to turn my living room into a swimming pool. My friend finally talked her out of it and took her home. Few hours later we got a message from him that he wanted a divorce, dead serious too. Nasty stuff.

This is great:

Tastes a bit like Guinness slash regular carlsberg.
That Master Brew sounds alright, causing fights and that.. winner
"carlsberg dark, sorts out your marriage good and proper."
"stella artois, 9 out 0f 10 abusive spouses recommend it"
" heineken, because pubs wont serve you old socks"
"tennants: the choice of a lost generation"
"white lightening: because you're not worth it"

join in!!