
hahaha pure camel toe! Im up for that but the lady in red looks like she cud really do me some damage if she accidentally nudged me with her boob so can we not invite her.

think me n claire are goin over to ireland sumtime in the summer anywho for a bit of a boozefest and to listen to some accents.
Bambi said:
ah carlsberg speical brew is pure anasthetic, nice and sweet too, just like the guinness export. Few bottles of either at the end of the night and its off to the land of coma for a calm and pleasant overnight journey arriving in hangover city the next morning just in time for your 9 am conference call to huey and rolph on the big white telephone. :ill:

i want some of that special brew, i have a semi-serious sleeping problem, i cant sleep. and when i do, i wake up dead tired. Does anybody like corona btw. They started selling it here. but still no guinness, even in the "james joyce irish pub", irish pub my ass
bleed_black_orchid said:
u do have accents ya's say amusing things like tirty tree...

:lol: indeed

But you do have accents too, my friend was down in Portsmouth for two months and she said whenever she went to her workplace the maxi driver asked "Oi B M?"
hahaha yeah you do have proper accents

'al-rite der buddi' hahahhahahahaha fuck me thats all i can remember other than taht its pretty mcuh like l'pool really.

but i seriously think there should be an antimatter gigantic forum meeting in dublin, half of yas wont need to get yer dosh changed neither.