That 70s Show


Gimmee Caffeine
Jun 4, 2002
A building somewhere in Sydney
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Hmmm ..... season 5 of That 70s Show has had a handful of episodes air in America already.

They are also on my computer here at work as well - but that is a different story courtesy of massive amounts of bandwidth while at work :)

Anyway - so far all of the episodes of this series are named after Led Zeppelin songs. Coincidence? Make your own mind up:

* Going To California
* I Can't Quit You Babe
* What Is And What Should Never Be
* Heartbreaker
* Ramble On

I just thought that was kinda wierd :)
Why wont they show the 70's show any more
when we get subjected to endless boring epesodes of Becker and Raymond!!
both those shows suck major balls.
Oh that was just champagne comedy right there. I lined that one up and sent it over the fence for 6. Not even planned.
I read that American Pycho II is due to be released on Video this month, What does this have to do with the thread, well no red headed girl in the show is the one who is the "Pycho" who is having a battle of wits with William Shattner. this sound more like a comedy then a thriller.

Also if this Programs goes for lets say ten years will it still be the "70s show", Just like MASH went longer the the war mayby this show will go longer than the decade.

Or is the 70s just a state of mind.....