That bloke on Millionaire


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Did anyone see that goose who won the million on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire tonight? What a flamin' drongo.

Gets to the million dollar question. Question pops up, which asks which of the four was never named Time's "Man of the Year". Hitler, Khomeini, Stalin or Mao Zedong. As soon as all four pop up I say, "Mao Zedong!" Unfortunately for everyone watching, this drongo then spends the next 20 minutes trying to figure out who it is.

He goes on about how Charles Lindbergh was the first, but then ten minutes later says, "Or one of the other aviators". It was Lindbergh you goose. If I had been on the show I would have even said that the whole "Man of the Year" thing started because Time dropped the ball and didn't bother having a big feature article on Lindbergh at the time he invented the lightbulb or whatever it was he did. But no, I wasn't on the show, so we all had to put up with this dingbat carry on about everything else under the sun but the actual answer to the question.

He used his 50/50 and got rid of Hitler and Stalin. He said he thought it might have been Stalin, which made me more irate because Stalin was named Man of the Year TWICE. What a jerk. The Millionaire bloke, not Stalin, although Stalin was a bit of a jerk too.

Then he went on about how if he just won the $32k he was going to donate it. Answer the damn question! It was around this time that I started crying. Make it stop!

Finally he locked in D, only because he knew that Khomeini was named Man of the Year in the 70s. Unfortunately, even though this process of elimination meant that the only possible answer was the one that was left, he still wasn't sure. But he locked it in anyway. And won the million.

What a loser. OK, a loser who won a game show, but still a loser. I feel stupider for having watched it tonight.

My burner makes silly noises and I got so angry I bent the front of my case.

Frustrating night all round.
How about the 14 or so questions before the million dollar one. Would you have got those right spiff? So the bloke wasnt too sure. Doesnt make him a loser. He is a champ for winning 1 million. Id say in a normal show they would have edited alot of that stuff out, but since it was the million dollar question they had to drag it out.
Nah, didn't see any of the ones before that, just the $500k and $1 million. But the thing is, it was such an easy question for the one mill and I just couldn't believe that he didn't know the answer.
It was actually a pretty easy question for the million. The hardest ones are usually around the $64000 and $125000 mark. And they don't edit shit from the show. It's actually filmed "live" in one-hour sessions, and everything they shoot goes to air.
If you had the pressure if loosing a million and you had options available to you, wouldn't you take them .
beside how did you know stalin was man of the year twice, do you study him or somthing
That was a painstaking episode- two questions in one hour! The guy was an arrogant knob though, using every possible opportunity to spout off his knowledge basically.

The thing that irritates me most about that show is the constant flicking to the wife/partner/kids/third cousin in the audience after naerly every question. Don't wish em' good luck! They haven't done anything for fuck's sake! And they did it about five times last night with his kids, both of whom had all the personality of a dead fish.