That new guy mastering here :)

Oct 28, 2012
Hello kind sirs,

I am singer in a hardcore metal band and after some years making songs we have decided to record a demo/Ep with 4 tracks of 14 that we have.

We have decided to get in the studio for recording the tracks and nothing more, as we only have money for that.
So now we are having this songs recorded, and we realized that we need to do some mixing mastering before show it to the people as we need to get some good sound because we are thinking about selling this EP between our small bunch of fans to get some money for a serious and profesional recording+mastering of all our songs.

This is the explication of why I, an absolutely newbi on this, am putting some effort in doing the things right.

All this explication I do is because I see this forums crowded of high level technicians and engineers and you deserve that, I am sure that my questions and doubts can disturb some people. I hope not much.

Now, I have, as I said, lots of tracks. I have pro tools with ozone installed. And I am reading some online books about mastering. (one thing is that I am very skilled with computers, si I am getting rid of protools quickly, but the problem comes later XD )
I am doing some work over guitars, I am improving it slowly,... the voices I will that at the end, I dont think it will be difficult.... the bass, it is annoying and frustating but I think that I am getting over it very slowly
The drums. omg. I am completey lost. I have kind of Equalized it but I want it sound better and dont have idea of what inserts plugins or whatever I have to do
So please if you could give some advices on how to master the battery I really will appreciate it. Also I hope your comment get done in "Pro tool Terms" as I dont have the knowledge yet of figuring out by basic sound theory


PD:[ I´ve got HH, HL,HR, SNDOWN, SNUP, T1, T2, TB, BD, BDOUT that makes 10 tracks for the battery ] :guh:

type whatever you need to know in there, and you'll more than likely find an answer :)

also youtube tutorials, anywhere you can find information at all, i've only been mixing about a year, and i still suck compared to everyone on here, but i've improved ridiculous amounts all thanks to information/guidelines i've found on here, youtube, and google searches :)

oh also, welcome to the forum
Thanks for the advice... about googling in the forums I was doing that
maybe it is a good idea to leave the tracks here so people can mix it if they want and then I can compare sounds with mine and do a nice learn. :)
it is like 700mb so i will start uploading it this night
first try (so messy and ugly , and even I suspect that I have fucked up and delayed some tracks for some milisecond :bah: )

kill me please XD

PD: and thanks for the link WalhallaM
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It was recorded bat + bass at the same time in differents rooms. Later the guitars in the same room.... And finally the voices

I have messed up too much i think. I am going to try to learn something before next try