That Pitch Drop "Tuning Down" Sound Effect.

Shucks! I don't use Pro Tools. :/ Joey Sturgis used it on some FTFD songs off of Relentless.

How could it be done on Cubase?

And is there a VST that I could get to emulate that VariFi sound?

Thanks for the tips by the way. :D

Edit: I enjoy the works of Joey Sturgis and Brian Hood. :)
Playrate envelope automation in Reaper. downside is you'll have to bounce it and re-import it.

Or automate a pitchshift vst to drop its pitch slider.

that's the cheap way.
tapestop works perfect for super bombs. render it offline. kind of a bitch to setup but i keep messing with it until it becomes my bitch
Would vari-fi work for the bend ups and downs at the beginning as well? Like, same idea just tuned down slightly less?