that was odd...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so i'm in the laundry room washing all of the jeans i've worn in the past month (i pick and choose when it comes to laundry) in preparation to start moving into a new room hopefully tomorrow. i'm going through the pockets since my change has the habit of accumulating in pants pockets, on table tops, and on the floor. in addition to finding about $10, i find a recipt. i'm assuming it'll be from a grocery or book store store i went to when i was home, or a coffee shop i was at in the past few days. but i find that it's for a Burger King whopper. now, i make it a habit never to go a fast food restaurant if i can find food anywhere else, and the address of the burger king is for an area i don't recognize, so i am boggled as to how a burger king recipt is in my pocket, and left wondering "Who was wearing my pants?"

after wracking my brain for a few minutes, i remember that a friend and i walked down to the "south side" area last month before i came home so she could get a vegetarian burger (all the good friends i have here are vegans, it's crazy). problem solved, clothing accounted for at all times again, but it was a very interesting question that i found having to ask myself.
I too like to wear jeans in and not wash them. Jeans only need washed if spillages occur (and the odd was, every few months for the sake of it).

P.S - urhawt.