The 10 Most Ridiculous Metal Album Covers

:lol: That was actually a pretty funny article... and this is a pretty funny thread. Good show :kickass:

also this:

what the crap is that? It's crap, that's what.

Amazing album though!
COOL...Nice replies guys! I just laugh reading some reactions about this list of ridiculous metal album covers on stuff magazine.(LOL:D)
For me I guess Poison album cover made me laugh ( I thought this was a heavy metal album but look at the cover, it's like who are these ladies.......(LOL) but they are great huh!

Yes this is a REAL Black Metal album cover.


Wow:lol: Of course, the description on the site(in Russian) mentions that the band pays homage to the immortal creations of bands like Impaled Northern Moonforest, Black Seed Boys(known parody bands). In this context the choice of cover is unsurprising but still:lol:
Nu, Pogodi!-The epitome of troo cartoon series, btw- a cult classic:kickass: