The 2010 Guido Phenomenon.

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
I don't think there's been a thread about this yet....

But seriously, I saw an episode of Jersey Shore for the first time and LLawled my balls out. (Come at me bro) haha

I can't believe people take this shit "super serial" and emulate these guido pieces of trash.
I was called a guido once.....Shit got real.

It hits close, cause Mass has it's share of these douchebags and I'm close to Rhode Island which is another spawning ground for fake Italian shenanigans.


[Cartman]THE FUCK?[/Cartman]
Is this the cunts that prance around looking like rejects from bad 90's boybands?
I'm positive that this entire fad was a joke by some big NY execs who (quite justifiably) hate New Jersey. Just sitting around in a boardroom - "How can we make the rest of the world hate that shithole on the other side of the Holland Tunnel?"

It sortof worked. :laugh2:

I think it's fucking hilarious, though. I watch Jersey Shore and find it super funny, start 'fist pumps' on stage, and went to more than one Jersey Shore themed party at school last year. It's just an excuse to laugh at douchebags and/or act like a total douchebag and get away with it - what more could you want?
I think the best thing about this fad is that while yes, these people do exist and are scarily real, Jersey Shore has brought nation-wide attention to them like nobody could ever imagine, and has basically guaranteed that the guido's won't branch out much further than they already have. We used to get the occasional guido d-bag in California, but there's no way in HELL now that anyone would be caught dead actually looking/acting/dressing like that these days, because the public at large just won't tolerate it in any other capacity than as a joke.
Dude, where I live, Malta (a country in the Mediterranean, below Italy) there are maybe 3 places which can be called nightlife locations; and what you get is hundreds of these cunts (not necessarily acting Italian or whatnot, but the image and attitude is the same as the Guido you're talking about). Fucking sucks.
Fucking love watching Jersey Shore for the lulz. The sad thing is they are serious.
Sorry for my ignorance, I don´t know what a guido or a Jersey Shore is, but is there really people walking around like this?