The 2010 Guido Phenomenon.

what's a giudo?
no idea what everyone is talking about

A sad pathetic excuse for a male; not necessarily of Italian descent, but most likely; usually native to the New York/New Jersey Tri-State area. WARDROBE: tight zipper shirts, tracksuits, designer jeans, fuzzy kangol hats, tiny hoop earrings, fake gold chains, and related Euro-trash garb and tacky cheese-wear. NATURAL HABITAT: Known to frequent Tri-State area malls looking for club gear to waste their week's pay on (most likely spotted shopping at "Bang Bang" in Staten Island). During the day when not at their food delivery, telemarketting, or construction job, can be located at their local gym tanning or lifting weights. Can be found nightly at mainstream danceclubs they read about online (SF, Webster Hall, Etc.). Most notable for cruising the Jersey shore in an old car (Honda, Mustang, etc.) which has been tinted, painted and sports $1,000-$3,000 rims in a feeble attempt to look like new. Guido cars usually have a boomin' system through which cheesy music like freestyle, commercial club/trance and hip-hop (anything KTU plays) is loudly blasted. GENETIC LINKS: Directly related to modern day urban-guidos, A.K.A. "wiggers," A.K.A. "wegros;" urban-guidos are white males who once exhibited the traits referenced above, but have now instead opted to keep it unreal, with wardrobes consisting of clothes from labels like FUBU and Rocawear which they bought on sale at Macy's. These individuals still listen to the same music and drive the same type of car as their predecessor; it is...
I owe Tony an apology, apparently all of Rhode Island is indeed infested with guidos. It's so bad I actually saw two female guidos in Providence. I'm not talking guidettes like sookie or snootchie or whatever the hell her name is. I'm talking, women with the gelled blowback hair and popped collars from multiple layered polos.

I miss the days of high tops, ripped jeans, and denim jackets with full-back Iron Maiden patches.
Read her profile, actually feel a bit sick.
Are those qualities now "cool" to possess? Being an egotistical, self-centered asshole is now something you wanna put all over your facebook page?
It's an amusing picture, sure, but once the humour passed, all I could find there was the symptoms of being completely dead inside plastered all over this girl's about me, being worn as a badge of honour.
Very strange.
Australian "gweedo" chick.
If you ain't rocking the fake tan, you ain't rockin' (although I don't imagine this chick, nor any of the ones like her even like anything with distorted guitars in it :lol:)
Naw it's 'Gwee-dough'. We used the term all the time in high school here. Wasn't as common as other ones, but usually represented the 'wogs' around here, as some of the Italians had the first name 'Guido'.

The Wikipedia 'Guido' page actually had a direct link to the common Australian term 'Wog'. Check it here for our parallel:
Naw it's 'Gwee-dough'. We used the term all the time in high school here. Wasn't as common as other ones, but usually represented the 'wogs' around here, as some of the Italians had the first name 'Guido'.

The Wikipedia 'Guido' page actually had a direct link to the common Australian term 'Wog'. Check it here for our parallel:

Heh, was that exclusive to your high school?
I seriously had never heard of the word before this thread. No I know from a whole heap of other high/secondary schools ever used that word either.
We had the word "muzza". Not sure if it's exactly the same thing, but any rate, they were, along with almost all the rugby players, the total douchebags of the school.
I lived in Jersey all my life - I miss it terribly, actually.

Guido's are not a new thing. They've been around since the existence of time, much like cockroaches.

Never seen the show, and not sure if I could actually stomach it.

They're actually somewhat presentable these days, minus the fake tan and popped collars. In the 80's and 90's they all used to wear jogging pants with white wife beater shirts and 5 gold chains around their neck, whilst driving around town in their Iroc-Z blaring club music. Shit was pathetic.
Man, a friend of mine was playing Mario Kart Wii and he got fucked in the ass with a red shell and ended up losing the race to Mario.

His response?


Hearing Mario called a wop is just about the funniest thing in the whole world :lol: