The 3rd day


Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands
Damn, it is over! What a weekend, and what a day to finish ProgPower Europe 2008. Again we have seen so many good performances, with THRESHOLD as the perfect headliner. Damian Wilson is back, and let's hope he stays with the band. What a singer he is. And WOLVERINE, what can I say? As good as it was yesterday, their gig today was above all expectations. And all other bands gave a splendid performance as well, the quality of the bands was never that big as it was this year, that's for sure.

This edition will be hard to improve, but we are going to give it a try. So we hope to see you all next year! Up to another 10 Years of ProgPower!
This edition will be hard to improve, but we are going to give it a try. So we hope to see you all next year! Up to another 10 Years of ProgPower!

It's what I think every year Rene and you have proven me wrong every single time. So very much looking forward to ProgPower 2009 but for the moment I will relive the memories of 2008.....

What a brilliant weekend! Thank you!

And many thanks to everyone at ProgPower:it is so much more than a festival, it is a reunion of friends taking place at Sjiwa, Baarlo
Just got home, completely knackered and broken, but feeling oh so satisfied. This was by far the best of the three PPs I've been to so far!

It was awesome to see all my good friends again, and to make some new ones. I'm definitely going to keep coming back :D

Thank you René and the rest of the organization for making this one of the most memorable festivals I'll ever go to. Thanks for all my old friends and new friends alike for the amazing time at the festival, the afterparty and the sing-alongs and good times at the castle during the festival and afterwards. And last but not least thanks to all the bands for putting down a marvelous performance and for the fact that most of them are so accessable afterwards for a chitchat and a beer! Awesome!

See you all next year!
Well, for a first PP I must say this was amazing !!! thanks to all the people that made it possible.
See you next year !!!
I've got a hangover that will last me at least 2 more days. I completely agree with Dries, Progpower is so much more then just a music festival. I can't wait to see all of you at other prog concerts, or next year. (or at an Aurora Project gig ;-)
It was fantastic! We've seen every band and they were all great!
Especially Pagan's Mind and Threshold! But it was also great to hear some new songs from The Aurora Project and Cynic!
The most suprising bands for me were Zero Hour and Suspyre.

The afterparty at sunday was totally weird after to many beer. A friend of my asked for a lovesong for his whife; Slayer - Angel Of Death. :heh: And when I woked up the next morning I had a very large sombrero on my head and a very, very nasty hangover!:Puke:

It totally rocked :rock: See you all next year!!!
Oh my god, what an absolute corker of a weekend... It was amazing and I can't believe that it might have actually topped last year. The bands were excellent, with a Wolverine, Threshold, Zero Hour and Pathosray outstanding. Many thanks Rene and Hi again to all those people we met and had drinks/laughs with.... The drive back to the UK was a bit of a bugger but Dave and I had our Polish friend Wojtek to keep us company (laughing) all the way back home. Until next year. Tony
I think my stomach hurt more from laughing all weekend than anything. If you are brandishing your umbrella as a sword, beware! There is a point when the head of the umbrella will fly off the rod and knock the wind out of an unsuspecting victim. Or so I've heard :p
Lethal Kirsty! Haha, wish I would have captured that moment with the camera :-)

I think I laugh hardest when the big guy from finland (not sure what his name was) sat in the bar, chatting to Håkan. When I came up and he understood who I was he said, like only a finn-swede can say it:
"Jag har ronkat till dina schiiiivåmslaag"
(I have jerked off to your album covers)

Haha, I have heard many comments about them, but this one came totally unexpected.
Mattias, sounds like you're in the wrong business ;). Or, you could do a Good Deed (tm) and make a Very Special Non-stick album cover with a nice long booklet. Think How many CD's it would sell!
Lethal Kirsty! Haha, wish I would have captured that moment with the camera :-)

I think I laugh hardest when the big guy from finland (not sure what his name was) sat in the bar, chatting to Håkan. When I came up and he understood who I was he said, like only a finn-swede can say it:
"Jag har ronkat till dina schiiiivåmslaag"
(I have jerked off to your album covers)

Haha, I have heard many comments about them, but this one came totally unexpected.

Mikael was his name :)

Meeting him was nice, we actually sat and spoke english for a while before we started to speak swedish *haha*
Made us happy and drunk... Grants and Apfel korn(?)
Just another thanx from the guys from The Aurora Project :-).

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An awesome f*cking weekend in every sense! Got back home yesterday after 8 hours travelling - very tired, but geez was it worth it! 5th PP for me, and definitely the best yet. Sooooo many happy memories - catching up with old friends, and meeting lots of cool new people; hanging out with some of the Wolverine guys; an impromptu interview of totally random gibberish with Atrox on Sunday night using half of my Wolverine questions from the previous day (believe me, only pure nonsense was spoken!); the final day's after party which I ended up leaving at 4am (boy, did I suffer for this when I got up on Monday morning and had to travel with a heavy suitcase and camera bag back to Amsterdam!). Oh, and the music was pretty cool too! For me, Wolverine stole the show (both on Saturday and Sunday), although I was also mightily impressed with Cynic, Atrox, Zero Hour, Sun Caged, Cilice, The Aurora Project, Division By Zero, and Alarum. The quality of the bands was very high this year - definitely a lineup worthy of the 10th anniversary. Full coverage (reviews/photos) on Metal Discovery soon! Plus a Wolverine interview, and that very surreal 'interview' with Atrox!

I definitely agree with you regarding Wolverine. One of the best shows I have ever seen, and there's been a few.
Excellent festival !!!

I'm still tired and my ears are bleeding but the number of great friends i met and the atmosphere made it all worth it. :)

C ya next year !!!:rock: