
Confusing avatar! :O
Jan 2, 2004

How did you feel when you first thought that "The person above me THREAD" was erased?

I thought it was the beginning of the apocalypse, the poles were melting and...

I lost those unvaluable images posted in their correct context ( which I forgot :grin: ) and I thought it would be cool to post all those things that were erased and were funny (quotes, pics and that things... ).

Needled Princess


The secret of BobVex

The Lantern Nut said:
The nipples develop very early in the womb, before the gender of the baby is defined....I think it's something like that. ;)

Not true. The gender is defined by whether the baby has a Y chromosome or not which is determined at the moment of fertilisation.
NeedledWarheart said:
Not true. The gender is defined by whether the baby has a Y chromosome or not which is determined at the moment of fertilisation.
the biology professor has spoken :cool:
actually, sex is defined by the Y chromossome, but the babies CHARACTERISTICS are defined by the quantity of sexual hormons of each kind that are spilled on his blood current during the in-womb growth process.
Hence we have boys with feminine characteristics and girls with masculine characteristics, without necessarily influencing the sexuality.

The main body, wich forms at the early stages of development, is exactally the same, until the hormons start activating the gender characteristics. So, boys have nipples just like girls, but they just don't develop breast.

Thank you.

What is this... a biology lesson? Everyone went from dropping their pants to being nerdy. What has the world come to!!!???

Yeah, I'm bored... :p