The Abortion Thread

At the end of the day, as someone opposed to killing infants, I have a problem with people who use first trimester language ("clump of cells" "basically a parasite") to describe how they feel about abortion in general. Use a morning after pill if you receive a cream pie, stop being a piece of shit trying to justify killing a viable fetus by talking about it as if it's a booger you need to pick from your nostril. :lol:

FWIW most of the misanthropes here are boogers needing to be picked away from nostrils.
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It's fun watching you twist all the stupid shit he said intellectually to fit your skill level of expression. Why don't you do it for me so I can win the debate with zabu and others?

Does anyone really win if it's a matter of preference?

Anyway, implied in zabu's claim that you can't reason with religion on the subject of abortion is that zabu's position has the logic that should be required to reason with them, if only their minds were open to logic itself.

It's a claim of logical clarity, one might say airtight logic.

I took him to be emphasizing preference over logical argument; but I could be wrong.

I didn't deny it, I simply added that while we may prefer to live in a society where we wouldn't be murdering each other for no reason, luckily its existence doesn't rely on my preferences but rather the development of systems which uphold certain standards and practices that, even if I prefer to do something which runs counter to those standards and practices, will still function and I will be dealt with accordingly.

"I prefer to kill people" will not save me from consequences of such an act, for example. It's not a subjective matter as zabu would argue, even if preferences themselves might be. You will be held to a standard that has objective consequences if not met, this is why I made sure to place my views in the context of science and legal systems, because... you know we're living in a society! :heh:


I think when it comes to having children, it is a matter of choice. Same with someone in a coma on life support. Hospital bills are fucking atrocious, as is the general medical process. I think once you're in that situation, termination can't not be an option.

A child's existence demands more of the woman than another person's random existence, which is why I don't see killing someone as comparable to abortion. I do agree that late termination isn't ideal, but it's not as though women are just lollygagging until the third trimester before having a pregnancy terminated. They tend to seek an abortion when they discover they're pregnant. It's not late-term abortions that are the issue; it's anti-abortion fundamentalists who want to prohibit it altogether.

So again, you're an outlier, and actually more in line with those in favor of reproductive rights (I think, anyway).
To me this is among the most pointless of all political debates. People who believe fetuses are people are usually religious, and put about as much reason into their beliefs as they do in things like young earth creationism. You can't reason with religion.
my position in other threads was that the whole freaking concept of Christianity was a cult
my position here is that there are situations where an abortion should be mandatory instead of merely an option

if you're too broke to afford condoms, you're too broke to afford a kid
if a woman points to her pregnancy-bump and says "this baby is the product of rape" then an abortion needs to be a pre-requisite for a sex-crime-conviction
if you're under the age of sexual consent, you're too young to be a parent
if a slutty woman has no idea which dude knocked her up, she needs to have an abortion instead of doing the DNA paternity test on Maury
if a daughter gets impregnated by her father, if a mother gets impregnated by her son, if a sister gets impregnated by her brother
these babies should be abortions instead of having to explain to the kid about their fucked-up family tree
I'm not "really" meaning anything. All I'm saying is that placing the emphasis on the unborn child is no less arbitrary than placing the emphasis on the pregnant woman. You, CIG, and others can't fathom that all I'm doing is pointing out the illogical that underlies your positions. It doesn't mean I think there's a logical pro-abortion argument--which is what I think Grant was saying.

If you guys think abortion is wrong, then fine. But stop acting like you've tapped into the secret truth of the universe.

I'm not really following along with whatever TB is saying because it's probably something I've heard before and isn't really related to what I'm saying. I'm not going to argue whether it's "right" or "wrong", because there has to be some sort of agreed on premises to base that on. That's what I'm interested in. I'm not "emphasizing" the cell clump/fetus/unborn child/etc. I'm saying the question is bigger than either a given woman or given offspring.
I'm not really following along with whatever TB is saying because it's probably something I've heard before and isn't really related to what I'm saying. I'm not going to argue whether it's "right" or "wrong", because there has to be some sort of agreed on premises to base that on. That's what I'm interested in. I'm not "emphasizing" the cell clump/fetus/unborn child/etc. I'm saying the question is bigger than either a given woman or given offspring.

It's very simple ... killing unborn children is wrong. The only two reasons that seem somewhat "justifiable" to me are is if the woman was raped or that if her life is definitely in risk by giving birth. You can search my name+abortion if you want to read what my opinions on it are in more detail since i've went over it numerous times. Basically imo people who "advocate" killing unborn babies are people who dont want to face the consequences of their own careless "mistake". You dont get to play "god" just because you were an irresponsible fuck who couldn't keep your legs closed or your dick in your pants, it;s not one of those mistakes where you can just go "oops fuck it". Imo most of those people are "pro-choice" because they are trying to justify their own heinous actions of killing babies because they werent man enough to deal with reality and not admit that they are among the lowest of the low. And a good chunk are the new school losers who think everything has to do with "WOMANZ RIGHTS"
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Representation of a sad life.

I think Mort is having a little fun (after all, this is the abortion thread). Obviously the gravity of pregnancy and having an abortion is greater than "oops, fuck it." But Mort was focusing on TB's use of the word "can't," which implies that there's some kind of universal standard for reproductive behavior that should prohibit abortions. The funny thing is that, of course, there is no such standard, and in fact women can have abortions in the wake of "irresponsible" behavior.

It's a misconception that there are droves of women having unprotected sex and thinking "Fuck it, I can just have an abortion!" Virtually no one thinks that way. Most either take preventative measures, can't afford to do so, or are unaware of the risks.

I'm not really following along with whatever TB is saying because it's probably something I've heard before and isn't really related to what I'm saying. I'm not going to argue whether it's "right" or "wrong", because there has to be some sort of agreed on premises to base that on. That's what I'm interested in. I'm not "emphasizing" the cell clump/fetus/unborn child/etc. I'm saying the question is bigger than either a given woman or given offspring.

I think I understand. The question is certainly bigger than any single situation; and I think abortions should be handled individually, considering all the factors involved. I also think there are situations in which an abortion isn't advisable (specifically late-term, but I'm not willing to draw a line in the sand and say it should never be allowed).

My problem is that I think blanket assessments of abortion as fundamentally wrong at all junctures are moralistic bullshit. I'm happy to discuss the parameters of what needs to be considered; but my experience has been the more I examine those parameters, the less inclined I am to say abortion shouldn't be allowed (again, there are exceptions).

But generally speaking, I think that if we're talking about a woman who finds out she's pregnant in the first trimester, she should have access to abortion no matter what, pending extenuating circumstances, most of which I probably can't imagine. I absolutely do not believe that appeals to "personal responsibility" should stand in the way of someone getting an abortion, especially if they can pay for it. Forcing someone to go through an unwanted pregnancy (especially if that person can afford an abortion and learns of the pregnancy early) simply because they were "irresponsible" or whatever strikes me as the height of pretentiousness and lunacy.
quotes dak but is basically responding to me, lmao.

unwanted pregnancy .
literally a definition of irresponsibility(outside of rape victims obv). And the true definition of pretentiousness is someone like you who is so separated from reality but is on here vouching for things that he evidently knows absolutely nothing about but yet acts like he's some smart ass ... when in reality he's nothing more than a fuckwit pretender.

TB's use of the word "can't," which implies that there's some kind of universal standard for reproductive behavior that should prohibit abortions.
amazing. And you have the nerve to actually imply that you weren't just pretending to be smart? Me thinking that certain people are pathetic, irresponsible, scummy etc in no way means i think whatever they pursue should be "prohibited"

It's a misconception that there are droves of women having unprotected sex and thinking "Fuck it, I can just have an abortion!" Virtually no one thinks that way.
what planet do you live on? Spoken like the true clueless fuck that you have continually proven yourself to be. Get outside of your house and leave the suburbs more.
quotes dak but is basically responding to me, lmao.

Dak actually tries to have conversations. You, on the other hand, are incapable of communication. Your linguistic skills consist of insults and evasions. You don't respond to comments, you just demean others. You exhibit no significant signs of intelligence, critical thinking, or willingness to parry on issues. As soon as someone makes a critical point, you retreat behind emojis and ad hominems, preferring solipsistic security to questions, considerations, or speculations. You're not interested in changing your mind, and it appears you're not interested in changing anyone else's because you don't actually discuss anything. If someone disagrees with you, you call them names. If someone challenges you, you accuse them of being stupid. You conceal the fact that you have nothing interesting to say behind a veil of vitriol, and usually conclude by making personal threats that attest to your physical strength despite the fact that the people you're talking to probably never want to meet you--not because they're scared that you might hurt them, but that the conversation would be dreadfully, unbearably boring.

I didn't quote you because I really see no point in talking to you.
