Xorv said:YES! ....The Accolade
Rose Immortal said:Hm...speaking of "The Accolade"...I was leaving a bookstore and I happened to spot this on the wall, on the way out. When I saw the title I came to an absolute dead stop! It's a painting by Edmund Blair Leighton.
You're my hero.dargormudshark said:that pic bleeds metal. I bet it was painted with paint that had metal in it and the red was the blood of a viking or something metal like that.
dargormudshark said:I want to see more paintings like this nowadays. Paintings drenched with the blood of warriors....I'm sure they still have vikings that meet up once a month in Northern Scandinvaia and fuck with old ladies and stuff????
dargormudshark said:Risht now I am listening to Graveworm-I The Machine and it is in complete rythem with your sig. It looks like they are dancing to Death Metal...that is fucking awesome
soundgarden said:While we are on paintings, does anyone remember that piece with a Roman gladiator inside an arena standing above a incapacitated fighter? The entire crowd is leaning towards the arena with givign the "thumbs down" signal letting the gladiator know that they want him to kill the fallen fighter? I saw that painting on History channel a few days ago and I MUST have it.
Nevermind I found it....
It is called Police Verso "Thumbs Down" by Gerome Jean-Leon. I believe everything about Rome is summarized in this single painting.