The AMONG THE LIVING Walking Dude...

TraderInDeath said:
Does anyone else find it really strange/creepy that The Walking Dude on the cover of 'Among The Living' really looks like Julian Beck's character of Kane in Poltergeist II? Yet, I think, they both came out at about the same time... weird.
Thats what i always thought.
Also i thought "the walking dude" wore cowboy boots and a jean jacket?
Thats how it is discribed in "the stand". Randall Flagg and the Walking dude are the same person right?
You need to check out the Phantasm series. The tall guy is the walking dude and I personally think he kicks ass, as far as I am concerned. Those movies rock!
"GOD IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE" or something like that. i also never understood why the walking dude was drawn as the guy form portuguese II ?
karrokid said:
i seen that movie about 20 years ago ? lol , i don't remember to much about it. where'd you dig that up from ?

Just one of my old favourites. Still a great vampire movie apart from the clothes and haircuts :Puke: The dog owner IMO outcreeps the poltergeist dude. One of those faces even a mother couldnt love :grin: Nothing to do with any album cover, but anyway.

Anybody interested in horror flicks check it out here:

Looks more frightening in the actual movie than the pick. One fucking ugly man :Puke: