Among The Living......the Cd The Tour The Whole Myth....


Aug 23, 2003
IM GOING TO REVIEW THE GREATEST CD ALBUM OF ALL TIME ''AMONG THE LIVING''.........let me first begin with the album when it first came out i rushed to my record store which was the house of in rochester n.y.....the cover was AWSOME....the whole album from start to finish fucking ruled when spreading came out i knew the next album by the thrax would be over the top and i was fav song has to be ''I AM THE LAW'' with out a doubt this song kicks major ass......the title track also is a huge fav...but i can not just pick one this is a album you can listen to over and over with out getting tired of it ever......the video for indians was just incredible....i remeber seeing it and thinking WOW FUCKING WOW....when i saw that they were gonig to start the tour right here in rochester n.y. i was more then excited may 25,1987 i was 17 and ready to see my heros live....i can tell you this the among the living tour was the greatest show ive ever been too period......the energy of the show could not be that time in my life 1987...17 years old i thought this will always be my fav band and they still are today...ANTHRAX DESTROYED ROCHESTER N.Y. THAT NIGHT all the hits were there among the living,indians,madhouse,i am the law,all of them during the show the moshing was the most intense ive ever seen back then those were the real mosh pits...compared to the ones ive seen today,,,the place they played was the penny arcade its not that big and guys were stage diving and one guy flipped over and his foot caught on the celing fan and broke it it just hung there for half the show show...out of 10 i give among the living a 10........dont forget i am the man....i want to hear your tales stories and so on for for me this was the shit....i just wish there were time machines.....1987 here i come baby..............thanks and stay week we review:ARMED AND DANGEROUS...SO GET THOSE THINKING CAPS ON....AND STAY METAL
Among The Living was the first Anthrax album I heard. My friend had that cassette.
I wasn't a big METAL fan back then, but I was soon enough.
This album is a 10 out of 10, like Persistence of Time. I love every song on it.
If you don't have this album, you make me sad....
eh, considering the fact im 17 now, i cant really comment on any thrash when the scene was incredible like you're talking about........a damn shame..... :cry: i wish i was 16 in 86 when reign in blood came out, id be out there tearing shit up
ATL was my first real 'thrax album (I don't count "I'm The Man," it's not a full LP). I can't think of a bad song on that CD. With some tracks on it, I came to dig them at later times than others. When I first bought the album, "Caught In A Mosh," "I Am The Law," and "Indians" were my faves, and I skipped the rest. A wee later, I found "One World" and "NFL" to be awesome. Then "Among The Living," "Skeletons In The Closet," and "Imitation Of Life." Now, the CD goes in, and you MUST listen to the whole thing attentively. It just kicks that much ass.
heard it on cassette at a friends house(RIP) during a bootleg session for MSX computer games, it was the fastest music I ever heard, I/m the man was the 1st one I bought cause it was cheaper!!! It's theire best ever, Thrash will never be like this in da years 2000+, the 80's and early 90's ruled and shaped my life!!!
I wore out my cassette copy of ATL, so much that there was about a 2 second space in Caught In a Mosh where the tape went blank. I was almost 19 when I bought the I am the Law 12in and red vinyl 7in b4 the album was released. Anthrax pushed me from high school all the way thru college. I saw thrax back when thrash bands would play with punk bands. Killer crossover at the time. And on phase 1 of the ATL tour I got thrown out of the Santa Monica Civic during Caught in a Mosh because I went over the barricade after going up on all the 'bangers. Moshing Hard!!! Thankfully 2 days later I saw the boys in Corona. They played with Metal Church and Testament at both gigs. \nn/
ATL was actually the last Joey-era album I got. Back in 1992 I guess...yeah, the year before SOWN was released.The songs, the melodies and the riffs are just awesome. But after a last year show, I'm deeply convinced that if you haven't heard the opening song with John's screaming, you are not allowed to say you actually HEARD the song. When I listen to it now I always say to myself: What a great music. What a cheesey vocal.
dutchy said:
you missed SOU4EAH and POT??you're kiddin right??
You got me wrong or I wrote it wrong. I got SOU4EAH and POT long before ATL. (I bought these two albums in 1990 in Germany, a year later got STD and Attack...I borrowed and taped ATL in 1992 I guess).
TD said:
I can't listen to it any longer because Joey sounds like such a cheesepuff. If I want to hear Steve Perry, I'll throw on Journeys Frontiers album.

I'd rather have my balls pounded flat with a wooden hammer then listen to a Journey song again, EVER!!!! :hypno: