The angry clerk from 40 year old virgin stabs girlfriend 20 times

I've heard about that, but they didn't show a pic of the actor when I first heard the story. I was wracking my brain trying to think who the heck that was in that movie! All I knew was that it wasn't the main character. Now that I finally see the pic of him, I know exactly who he is! I'm so shitty with names, but I usually don't forget a face.

He's the one that said in the movie "You don't need the dirty Sanchez, or the butt hole pleasures" :lol: Sad how I almost peed myself laughing at that part of the movie, was the only reason I recognized the guy in the pic. LOL!
No no I think that was the old guy that said that. This was the dude that was talking shit to them when they went outside to talk and he chased him back inside.
No no I think that was the old guy that said that. This was the dude that was talking shit to them when they went outside to talk and he chased him back inside.

OH! Damn, I could have sworn that was him. lol, Now I can't remember the scene that your talking about no matter how hard I try. o_O It's been awhile since I've seen it though.
:lol: I know! That other guy did have me in stitches! But I'm glad it's not him because I would like to see him in other shit. But, damn, you know, I'm going to have to watch this movie again, to put this itching in my head to rest now. Maybe it's because their both Indian at least I think they were, and the old guy stole his thunder for me with all of those jokes! LOL!