The Animation Appreciation Thread

There was actually a registered sex offender on ultmate metal
They made fun of him on the nevermore forum and the Billy Milano forum
But That dude's initials were S-A-R
I don't know who the effing hell this
Jeremy Michael Kowitz guy is
If you're gonna keep doxxing people
At least do it properly
I'm posting this on a brand new phone
Is this Jeremy Kowitz person the guy that had this phone number a week ago or something?
The warrants out for my arrest are misdemeanors that Dallas county wants to turn into fines
If I get arrested ilI' be in Dallas county for like 12 hours and then still owe fines that I still can't pay
i only found out you had warrants out for your arrest by looking at the page of the registered sex offender monoxide_child, so you just made it even more obvious it's you lol
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unless, of course, there are two different monoxide_childs, both with warrants out for their arrest at the same time, one of whom is a registered sex offender and the other of whom posted about 'people he knew' being registered as sex offenders around the same time (as well as just generally coming across like a potential sex offender in his posts). and that's not even taking into account the nick link lol. still think it could be a coincidence, detective @Bloopy?
the page of the registered sex offender monoxide_child
What the effing hell??
You're saying the phrase "monoxide child" appears on a sex-registry-page??
THAT'S definitely NOT me
I've never had "monoxide child" as any kind of alias that cops would know me by
Never had any one I know face-2-face call me monoxide child
Think about it for a second
The effing phrase "monoxide child" was actually an effing troll-joke
This site is called ultimate METAL
And the phrase monoxide child is the effing stage-name of a music artist that does music that ISN'T metal
If the phrase monoxide child appears on a mother-fucking sex-registry-page then it's probably one of the guys who puts on juggalo makeup every time he leaves the house
What the effing hell??
You're saying the phrase "monoxide child" appears on a sex-registry-page??
THAT'S definitely NOT me
I've never had "monoxide child" as any kind of alias that cops would know me by
Never had any one I know face-2-face call me monoxide child

It means the cops probably know about your online activities retard. Alias as in what he goes by online.
It means the cops probably know about your online activities retard. Alias as in what he goes by online.

The cops aren't that smart. Aliases are usually only there because during the arrest and conviction process, the convicted is asked to provide them to the sex offender registry.

A timestamped photo of Blurry_Dreams would settle this since we know the face of the convicted.
Also the rapper monoxide child is actually from Michigan so there's a really good chance that the registered sex offender in Michigan is going around telling people "I knew him before he was famous" and saying that he was drinking Faygo before you could get it outside of Michigan State lines and prolly wearing juggalo makeup every time he leaves the house
If he's got monoxide child as an alias on the effing sex-registry-page then he's probably got a huge amount of face-2-face friends that don't know his legal name

And again
I'm currently in Dallas Texas and I've never been north of the mason-dixon line

The rapper is actually popular enough that there's probably hundreds of people who have"monoxide child" as an alias in their criminal history folder, @TechnicalBarbarity just found the one that's a sex-offender
A timestamped photo of Blurry_Dreams would settle this since we know the face of the convicted.
Holding a piece of paper saying something about Ultimate Metal would be better than a timestamp, and he needs to be sucking some grotty toes with gaudy nail polish in the photo so that we're more convinced it's him and not just one of his friends. :tickled:
A timestamped photo of Blurry_Dreams would settle this since we know the face of the convicted.
Time-stamped photo??
I've got a Dallas Texas area-code phone number you can call me at
Well 2 , actually if you wanna wake up the person at the front desk of the lamplighter motel on RL Thornton Fwy in Dallas
The only thing i ever even lied about was (when I first made this account) i made a vague half-assed attempt to try to convince people that i wasn't monoxide child, and even that only lasted a few days
Holding a piece of paper saying something about Ultimate Metal would be better than a timestamp, and he needs to be sucking some grotty toes with gaudy nail polish in the photo so that we're more convinced it's him and not just one of his friends. :tickled:

let's not forget talos held up a photo of 'himself' holding a written sign to prove he wasn't omni. such photos no longer hold any weight in the UM courts
let's not forget talos held up a photo of 'himself' holding a written sign to prove he wasn't omni. such photos no longer hold any weight in the UM courts
yea a picture means nothing really tbh. He can have one of my friends or cousins take a pic and send it over. Unless we have him hold a sign saying something embarrassing like "i promise guys, i'm not a pedophile", but even that...