The Animation Appreciation Thread

Haven't seen it, though I know it's very popular. The first seven episodes of Paranoia Agent are the greatest bits of anime I've ever seen so 'psychological thriller with a cop and criminal trying to outwit each other' definitely isn't inherently a bad thing, though in general most anime/manga writers seem to be fairly garbage at writing a sensible conclusion, so on that basis I'd probably end up not liking it. Eventually I'll get to it anyways.

oo i didn't know you liked paranoia agent. i've only seen one ep of it but i've heard it's kon's best work and i adore kon's movies, so it's high on my wishlist.
No, it's total garbage that they probably came up with when they realized that had a perfect seven episode show but needed to fill out five more.
I still don't understand how a person can hate the second side of that album while enjoying the majority of the debut.
Death Note is amazing and I wish there was more like it, but everything I've seen that takes influence from it misses the mark entirely :(

I've seen Paranoia Agent once but I was too young to really get it, should rewatch. I recall thinking it was cool though. Unlike HBB I liked the final episodes the most.
Death Note is ok, I see why people love it and why people hate it, I'm in the middle I guess. I thought the plot and twists were quite well done, but it was along time since I watched it so I may remember wrong.

Paranoia Agent isn't very good imo, but I've never liked that style of anime.

@HamburgerBoy should watch Welcome the the NHK, I could see him as one of the main characters in one of the story arcs. I mean topics like serial masturbation and stuff kind of make an appearance. Everyone should watch it btw, one of the best and more disturbing mangas and animes ever imo.

Question #1: Who are your favorite ponies in MLP btw? I like Pinky Pie the most I think. My daugther is more of a Twilight Sparkle fan.

Question #2: What Final Fantasy-inspired anime(ated) series can you guys recommend? The two I think of the top of my head are Future Boy Conan (guess it's more FF-inspiring than FF-inspired though) and Scrapped Princess. Any other ideas?

i think my whole generation was traumatised by this fucking show.

I so love that this cartoon happened and John K's disturbing, brain-warping horror somehow got approved and was allowed to air as a children's program. It's a shame that they sacked him and watered it down but it was bound to happen I guess. I watched it on psychedelics once, truly terrifying.
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@HamburgerBoy should watch Welcome the the NHK, I could see him as one of the main characters in one of the story arcs. I mean topics like serial masturbation and stuff kind of make an appearance. Everyone should watch it btw, one of the best and more disturbing mangas and animes ever imo.

Question #1: Who are your favorite ponies in MLP btw? I like Pinky Pie the most I think. My daugther is more of a Twilight Sparkle fan.

Welcome to the NHK was basically my first anime after I discovered how easy it was to pirate anime these days, largely for that reason. I actually started watching it more out of morbid curiosity because I assumed it would be a dumb obscene meta-comedy about fapping and hentai, but it grabbed me pretty quickly. Overall I loved it although I was surprised by how it all resolved, which was pretty much right-wing propaganda that never would have flown in any Western television show, but made me cognizant of how deep certain cultural differences are between them. At risk of proving those calling me an edgelord right, Yamazaki was the only character I could really relate to and with him only maybe 25%, didn't really feel a strong personal connection to the show as much as I may have liked.

I could go with Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, or Fluttershy. Rarity had a really good showing in the first season for being the obligatory girliest fashion character, though they flanderized her pretty quickly. I like all the characters in the first two seasons though and don't really have an obsessive favorite.