The annual roster clue (PP USA IX):

6 U.S. Debuts:

1. Vanishing Point
2. Labyrinth
3. Narnia
4. Pathosray
5. Andromeda
6. SUE

2 Returns

1. Orphaned Land
2. Circus Maximus

2 Others

1. Eldritch
2. Nocturnal Rites
VOLBEAT(US Debut Oddball band)

MINDFLOW (Texas Madfest and short US Tour)
NOCTURNAL RITES (Chicago Powerfest One Off)

SYMPHONY X (Returning)
NIGHTWISH (Special show Returning)

And those ladies and gents are my predications for next year, now lets see how many i get right as i only got two right this year.
I just gotta say that everyone of these lineups so far I would totally travel to see. I will have to work on mine, but I think people also need to consider the fact that Glenn probably has inside info on who will have albums out within the next year. So he may know about a band that is going to release an album next year that hasnt been announced yet officially by the band. So I think people should also consider bands that havent released an album for a descent time span and are due for a new new sometime in the next year.
I really hope the returning bands are Brainstorm or Orphaned Land this next year. I would LOVE to see them back again. They ROCKED. For the US Debuts: I'm gunning to hope for Iron Savior and Elvenking at least, not to mention Sabaton. We'll see what happens though. Dark Empire for showcase.
My picks for US debuts have been said in this topic already. I'm really hoping for Iron Savior and Elvenking, and I would pick Falconer and Nocturnal Rites as bands I'd love to see that I guess have already played the US (once). If by some stretch all four of these bands make it into the roster next year (which I think is viable), I'd go absolutely crazy.

As for my hopefuls for returning bands, how about Jag Panzer??? I think that they could come in and blow the roof off. Of course I'd like to see Kamelot or Edguy, and Orphaned Land or Therion. Time shall tell...
Even though I'm breaking with tradition with the early roster announcement, I wanted to continue this one. My plan is the following:

*6 U.S. debuts
*2 bands that have been to the States only once before (via tour or one-off)
*2 returning bands.

I am 60% done with my plan.

One can logically extract from this only one thing... 2 US debuts are confirmed for certain.

Think about it :hypno:
I know the wait period between cryptic clues and actual announcement is going to be much shorter this year - but dammit Glenn, we have just passed into the "one month and counting" phase of PP Withdrawls and now you've gone and amped me up even worse. I'm going to have a hard time sitting still at work as it is and you go and give us your cryptic clues.

Anyone ever notice how you never see Glenn & Dr Evil in the same room? I bet Dr Evil is sitting in a Tennessee Volunteers hat laughing wildly right now.

cmonnnnn Riverside!

Glenn would prolly book them to get us to finally shut up and stop nagging about it (ha ha). I did truly love their Out of Myself cd, the more recent one I've only played a handful of times.

Now to see the return of Orphaned Land - that would truly be amazing. I loved seeing them at PP a few years ago.
If Glenn stays true to his no return for two years than I think Circus Maximus is out (if the showcase is included that is... but with Freak Kitchen coming back and CM playing the year before they played the about some clarification Glenn :goggly:).

I dont think Angra will be back, they headlined twice already...

Kamelot and Edguy tour regularly in the states now...

Brainstorm I could totally see as they were very good a few years ago...

I still am hoping for Savatage 25th anniversary...or Jon Oliva's Pain and special guests!!!