Need feedback on PP USA IX


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
The situation:
*Bands are booking their schedules over a year in advance now to stay competitive with the market place.
*More bands are touring than ever before in the States making the “exclusive” tag harder and harder to get.
*More festivals (Powerfest, Barfest, Madfest, Nathanfest) mean more completion for the bands that I may want, specifically lower slots.
*The earlier you book a band, the harder it is to keep it confidential. It’s damn near impossible these days.

The solution:
*Book earlier than ever before.
*Announce PP USA IX roster (or as many as I have confirmed) at *this* year’s show or as soon as they are confirmed afterwards.

The drawback:
*The excitement of the announcements is gone.
*The momentum built towards the ticket sale date from January to March is gone.

The counter argument:
*A good roster means the show will succeed regardless of when bands are announced.
*Nostalgia is nice, but you have to move on and deal with the hand the situation gives you.

I'm all for any solution that ensures a great lineup. Sure the excitement of the announcement and all was nice, but what really matters is the festival itself and those wonderful days (*cough* nights *cough*) we spend each year in Atlanta.
Well, announcing some of the bands at this year's show could start building the buzz for next year's show earlier and as a result, you would have more exposure...the January-March anticipation is nice, but I don't really think that people buy tickets simply based on when the next band is going to be announced. Most people come based on the roster, so when you announce the bands isn't going to have much of an impact as compared to what bands are playing.
Announcing some or all of next year's roster at this year's event would allow some regulars or anyone planning on returning to book or retain their hotel rooms for the next year before leaving town.
An announcement at PP would be awesome and I don't think I'd really miss the Jan-Mar announcements.

Make the announcement between After Forever & the All Star jam. It could be a great way to keep people in their seats (though anyone planning to miss the All star jam may have something wrong with them).
Announce the line up at the very end of the show this way there is still anticipation and something else to look forward to! :D
To ensure you are able to keep getting the quality of bands that you have historically gotten, if you need to announce early to accomplish this then by all means go for it.
I think at this point in the Fest's life, the die-hards will come no matter who is announced or when they're announced.

Those on the fence would have more time to put finances in order, etc. if the roster is to their there might be an advantage to ticket sales.

My question is: How does announcing at the current show affect sponsorships and the fact that that somewhat lets us vote for bands with our pledges? You've said in the past a sponsorship might sway the choice between two bands.

I haven't booked any bands yet (or maybe I have...hmmm), so I would put potential sponsors on notice ASAP. I have an 80% return rate on sponsors so I don't think it will bother them to commit earlier.
I haven't booked any bands yet (or maybe I have...hmmm), so I would put potential sponsors on notice ASAP. I have an 80% return rate on sponsors so I don't think it will bother them to commit earlier.

LOL...always the wiley one. And you pegged it there--most probably won't have a problem with committing earlier. Guess we'll just have to watch the ol' inbox over the next few weeks. :lol:

First off let me say thank you to you for letting the fans have an insight as to what you have to go through for us. I think it is very cool that you let us in on what is going on behind the scenes. What is even cooler, you take into consideration what the fans think. VERY COOL!! You know, i love the build up and it makes things fun but i think the ultimate idea is to have a great festival. If you have to tell us who is playing next year, great that is an added bonus to this year's show. If you don't have to tell us, great we can look forward to the build up. You do what you have to do. No matter what, I will be there next year. I look forward to seeing you in a couple of months.

Thanks again for everything you do for us fans.

In My Opinion I think it would be awesome to have an announcement of next year's line-up revealed at this year's show. Would it deter me from sponsoring? Never, all you have to do is tell me who I am sponsoring, and I am there.
it doesn't matter when they are announced. A good show is a good show.

To me, the only real drawback is that the risk of cancellations and lineup changes goes WAY up the farther back you announce. I guess it's not something you can help, but you may have to put in a disclosure "card subject to change".

I mean, 12 months out, half the bands are likely to experience lineup changes in a good year. In a bad year, there could be more than one breakup.