I wish Seventh Wonder would come over here.
Dude -YES!

I'd fucking run down from D.C. to see that!
I think it's about time after that insane last album. I don't know just when, but I know they're gonna have a follow-up out come springtime '08.
Seventh Wonder & Circus Maximus on the same stage would be heaven!
(as I understand it the Norweigian bastards got to see that at this year's MetalHeart....
After a year of fantastic releases from Circus maximus and Symphony X, and let downs from Dream Theater and others, the upcoming Seventh Wonder disc is one of the releases of '08 I'm really looking forward to!
(however, some kick-ass tunes from Pagan's Mind again wouldn't hurt either but I say -let's make room for some new guys!!)
//Doug (insanely tired right now...)