The Anti-Lulz Crew


Dr. uıʌǝʞ
Feb 6, 2005
In a bubbly head.
Composed of me, Altitudes and Black_Core.

We are here to kick your fucking ass :kickass:

From now one:

*No more funny/ugly pictures. Every picture most at least contain one flower and Chris Hansen.
*No more bashing or flaming, you motherfucker ned to start to fucking love each others, ok? Every post most contain "love", "like" and "heart". "Hate" or any synonym, "un" and "dis" are forbiden.
*Every letters from each of your posts most be in a different letter one from another.
*No more Joe.
*New Threads most be approuve by us, and the subject of them most be serious. For exemple: Cereals, Pillow, Pen, Glasses. And no, "Sport" isn't a serious thing.
*You may have the right to have Gonzo unbanned, at the condition that he can't post anything, and can't read anything.

Now, get fucking serious. :mad: