The Archon Project - Song for mix practice with clean vocals


Apr 6, 2008
What I always loved about this community (beside breast threads :lol:), was that I could get something to mix beside my own stuff, which was pretty helpful with building my (nonexistant) mad mixing skillz :rolleyes:

This time I thought I`d share some of my stuff.
This is a song called "Who Am I". It`s alt. metal with clean vocals with harmonies pretty much throughout, so It should be fun.
Here`s my take at it:

Guitars are double tracked, recorded with Epiphone Joe Perry (all mahogany) with EMG-81 in the bridge, bass is Stagg Fretless with EMG-PJ set, vocals were recorded with AT-2020.
I provided all Di tracks for guitars and bass, drum midi files for DFHS2 and AD (if you need any other format, let me know), midi file for keyboards, and also a rendering of keyboards Moog Modular.

Tempo is 120, and all tracks start from the beginning.
If I like someones mix, I`ll make sure to credit them whenever I use it.

Here are the files: Archon Project - Who Am I (multitrack).rar (whole package) (AD).mid (Addictive drums midi for those that don`t use DFHS)

Have fun folks, I can`t wait to hear your mixes.
I would also like to hear you oppinions on other people`s mixes too.
Well guess i'm the first one over here :D

Here it is Yup over here

Drums are AD (well offcourse the kick and snare are not ;)) All guitars are SoloC going in Catharsis Impulses and bassguitar is Ampeg SVX boosted by SoloC preamp going trough a David Eden 4x10 Impulse, and offcourse smashed the shit out of it. Didn't like the tone though, whatever i tried to do it kept sounding a little dull but it's a Stagg so that makes sense ;) Keys are Rob Papen's Blue.

I really had a hard time with the vocals. They sounded really harsh and couldn't really get them too sound full (could be a combination of the singer and the mic, the AT2020 is pretty harsh) also i think your singer has to work his annuncation and english. At times it's not very clear what he says and at times you can really hear English is not his native tongue (listen to the words "tend" "through" "still" to name some) also there was some really weird plopping in the vocal tracks at times. Did you use a plop filter or not? Cause this really helps
Wow, it really interesting hearing a different take to you own song, and how it can take it in a new direction.
When you make a song, you have a certain perception of it in your head, but I always loved how a producer, using his creativity, can make it sound even better by making it not sound like in your head :lol:

...speaking of which, playing back my own mix after yours, mine does sound like it was played in my head. Your mix is so much wider, which I love. I also like the snare reverb, sounds big and blends nicely. Keys were a bit of surprise sounding, but interesting nonetheless.

AT2020 is a really harsh mic. I always had that impression, but only when I got Rode S1 and compared the two did I realize just how harsh it was. Might be my voice as well, but it just sound so much more natural and better with Rode. AT2020 almost sounds metallic.
It was also my first time recording myself, so I was a total noob at singing. I got much better in the meantime, so next stuff will be a lot better. Recording conditions were pretty ghetto as well, but I tried to make the most of it.

Thanks for both the mix and insightful comments. I appreciate it :headbang:
Hi, guys here is my attemp of this song, i start to mixing in november of 2014 so evalute my mix and dont be evil and sorry for my bad english:wave:
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