The Art of Noise Tour


Spiffy, eh?
Jul 31, 2002
Man, Last night was the best show I've ever seen. This tour owns. If you don't already know, it consists of The Berzerker, Strapping Young Lad, Dark Tranquillity, Naplam Death, and Nile.
To make a long story short, I got to meet all of The Berzerker and talk to them for a while. Since it was the first show on the tour, all the bands would come out to watch the other guys play. So I was watching Strapping Young Lad and Jon Vesano and Karl Sanders are standing right by me. I got their autographs and shook their hands.
For the most part, all of the bands put on great shows and the crowd was really into it.
My only complaint was Napalm Death's set was WAY too long. They played for about an hour and a half of mostly the same stuff and it got old. This was too long and the crowd was getting tired by the time Nile came on so I was dissapointed that we couldn't give them the energy they deserved, and they didn't play near as long as Napalm Death, which pissed me off. But I was right in front of Karl and he was having a blast. ;)
Being the first date on the tour, it went off without anything going wrong, techinically speaking. It was by far the best concert I've been to.
I am planning to see this tour in Atlanta. I just sent my bro an e-mail about going. I will kill someone if I can't make it to this show. I'll be seeing them on Valentine's Day so I plan to ask Devy if he'll be my valentine.

I absolutely cannot wait to see Nile, DT, and SYL. :eek:
I can't wait for that show to come my way! It will be here the first week of February!!! :heh: I flipped out when I first saw the flier back in OCTOBER! hahaha! It's worth the long wait!

That's awesome tha tyouhad a great time! Thanks for the recap! Now I'mlooking forward to it even more!

Originally posted by Fractured
Damn...That show must have been amazing.....:)

We never get these tours with lots of bands here. :cry:

1: shut up :mad:
2: shut up :mad:
3: Shut Up :mad:

well i cant go to sorhin show here:mad: or maybe unleashed show or amon amarth or arch enemy or at the gates or bloodbath or ablaze my sorrow or DARK FUNERAL:waah: or dark tranquillity or dissection or ebony tears or edge of sanity or hypocrisy or marduk or meshuggah or vintersorg..........:cry:
but you can see'em all
we never get these tours with lots of bands here too :( but i dont have all this bands here :(
so shut up :mad: :waah:





Im sooooorrrryyyy!!! :waah:

Anyway, I was talking with the bass player from The Berzerker and he pointed out that no matter what your style is, there are at least 2 bands on this tour you could enjoy! So true...But I didn't like Naplam Death. :ill: