The "Ask LR" Thread

Agghhhh shit I forgot *don't hate me :(*

Thumbs up. Water (Crab) and land (Virgin) signs get along well. Virgos are usually very secure people, but they're perfectionists like no other. Cancers are pretty flexible with most things, but can be kind of clingy, typically the males (dated on once, strangulation like whoa). Cancers are best with very grounded and secure people, as crabs often look for protection (think of the crab's shell).

Virgos offer these qualities but they're also stubborn as hell. It does take thick skin and a "hard shell" to keep up and not fall under their control. Don't be crabby, but make use of your claws! Snap them every once in a while to keep the spark and also put the Virgo in their place. They actually like that, as they easily see flaws in "weak" or easily controlled people.

The Virgo is impressed by perfection, which can mean someone who is capable of holding their own and not being the door mat in the relationship.

I hope this helps...
Agghhhh shit I forgot *don't hate me :(*

Thumbs up. Water (Crab) and land (Virgin) signs get along well. Virgos are usually very secure people, but they're perfectionists like no other. Cancers are pretty flexible with most things, but can be kind of clingy, typically the males (dated on once, strangulation like whoa). Cancers are best with very grounded and secure people, as crabs often look for protection (think of the crab's shell).

Virgos offer these qualities but they're also stubborn as hell. It does take thick skin and a "hard shell" to keep up and not fall under their control. Don't be crabby, but make use of your claws! Snap them every once in a while to keep the spark and also put the Virgo in their place. They actually like that, as they easily see flaws in "weak" or easily controlled people.

The Virgo is impressed by perfection, which can mean someone who is capable of holding their own and not being the door mat in the relationship.

I hope this helps...

haha. on my side (virgo) it's very true. and as far as i'm concerned, the same goes for him.

Lame joke:

Q: What do you call someone who speaks two languages?
A: Bilingual
Q: What do you call someone who speaks three languages?
A: Trilingual/Multilingual
Q: What do you call someone who speaks one language?
A: An American :p

I took a few years of Italian, a couple years of Spanish(remember almost nothing), a year of French(hated it), and now German :)

German ist krieg!
L'italiano è cuisine e vino rosso!

*Eli pops in to correct me* :lol:

:lol: Oh cool. I wish I know German better than I do. :( But I blame my teacher for that :lol: