The Ass Douche song.......


Dead But Dreaming
I figured it write my own take on this horrible epidiemic of assdouchiness that this board has been plagued of info about...


Say your prayers smelly one,
Dripping from your bum,
Covered in sodomite scum!
Squirt it in, Cleanse within,
Washing feces from skin,
Till it comes out your rectum!

Bend with ass cheeks open,
Grit your teeth so tight,
Squeeze your cheeks,
Brown stained streaks,
Time to wipe it then,
You used you ass-douche once again!

Something’s wrong, It won’t come out,
Now you’ve stained all the grout,
And its cause of your anal blowout,
Get some towels, Get some Soap,
Don’t abandon hope,
And sink into anus related doubt!

Bend with ass cheeks open,
Grit your teeth so tight,
Squeeze your cheeks,
Brown stained streaks,
Time to wipe it then,
You used you ass-douche once again!

Now from my ass, it all seeps,
I hope nobody catches me,
And if they do what will I say?
They will all think I am gay.

Please little anus, Don’t leak no more,
My douche has spilled onto the floor,
It just smells awful, what will I do?
Don’t ass douche it could happen to you!

Bend with ass cheeks open,
Grit your teeth so tight,
Squeeze your cheeks,
Brown stained streaks,
Time to wipe it then,
You used you ass-douche once again!
:D :lol: :D :lol: :D
Did you make up that song just because I called someone an assdouche? haha, I've never heard that word before...I just pulled it outta my hat, did I make it up?:cool:
Originally posted by Under13
Did you make up that song just because I called someone an assdouche? haha, I've never heard that word before...I just pulled it outta my hat, did I make it up?:cool:
:Smokedev: are you still here, I thought you were fed up man.... hey, I think you still like us man....
that guy (under13) thinks we're all lame and shit, haha. He doesn't want to post here anymore. I've read a few of the his posts on the relapse board. He talks about how lame of people we are, but he likes the music anyway. I don't know what I've done to upset the guy, but fuck oh well

Hey Eramaajarvi, I'm lost too! :confused:

Hey man, whats up haven't seen you here in a while! You missed a good show that night! Where were you anyways? We are doing good, looking forward to making our new demo next month. No shows booked as of yet, but we'd like to do something here in November... Maybe put together a show??? I'd have to check with the other guys first. aight man peace
tatooedsean666 - I know the feeling, I missed the Kreator/Destruction show here in Croatia!! They were here in May if irecall correctly, and i couldn't go!!! There were some Croatian bands too, fuckin' awesome ones, and I missed that... The thing is that we get rather few gigs here, and it's quite expensive to get outta the country. Still hope I can see Sinergy in Vienna in November...
(How familiar are you with the European geography anyway? I know I'm not that much into the North American... :/)

FuckYou... - Glad to know I'm not the only one! Hey man, you're the only one here talking to me in fact! :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kurac and Pièka...I'd rather not translate it for the others :lol: :lol:

Cool, you got a friend here! Which city is he/she from? Hopefully I know him/her...I know most of metalheads from my town :)
Well, were I grew up (San Pedro, California) there were a lot of Croatian immigrants. A lot of my friend's parents were from there. I used to know more words, but it's been a while. I don't know what city they were from, but they would always refer to it as the "old country".
Ahh, immigrants. I thought you knew them over the net or so.

Did you know that the city with most Croatian citizens is Zagreb (our capital) and after that Pittsburg comes second? :lol: :lol: