the Astrid666 appreciation thread


May 31, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
seriously, this person (not sure if male or female) is an absolute bloody champion! has helped a lot of us with questions regarding tickets for bloodshed over bochum!

thanks heaps :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
read what i said mate. i said for all the help regarding the tickets (prices, nye party etc).

and tina already knows we appreciate everything she has done for all of us travelling over :P
:hypno: oops ... :notworthy:
Thank you Gazza and everyone!

I don't deserve this really ... :notworthy: :blush:
It was with no doubt Phelice who answered all the important Bochum questions. I was just bored and so excited about having received my tickets that I had to type SOMETHING here, no matter what *gg* And I was just trying not to SPAM like I usually tend to do ;-).

And yes - I'm a woman, Astrid is a swedish name, it's my real name - and it's related to North mythology. Asator, Asgaard, Astrid ... see? ;-)

But what I deserve is

I'll be on my way from Hamburg with my good friend and colleague, Michael.

Thanks :-)
Cheers Astrid! Thanks for your help! Every Astrid I have ever met has been super nice, so glad to meet another!

Thank you To Astrid (ticket questions) Phelice (Bochum and Germany questions and everything else you have done for me sister!I can't name it all here)
The Captain (Graupel), for pretty much answering every question I have had, like where do I get my train? What do the tickets mean? How do I speak German? What research project are you proposing to your boss? (Grr ya learned my lesson, hehe)

and last but certainly not least gnoff, for teaching me how not to speak German, haha
Hmpf... I thought I could slag Rhonda off in german and she won't have a clue what I am talking about... so thanks gnoff for ruining my fun...

If you guys want to appreciate someone for doing something, let it be Astrid - since I didn't do anything to get any tickets for someone. I didn't even do anything to get my own tickets except ordering... thanks again Vilewoman, Beave and Gazza.
And, thanks for everybody there making all of this possible. Whoever it might be working in the background and never gets a thankyou for all of their work. Like the charlady in the Zeche, without whom we couldn't... erm... well anyway, thanks to all!
OH YA! Now that you mention it, I need to add a name to my list of thank yous.

ANNA! You are just the freaking best sister. Thanks for everything! We must get you a midget shit to wear in the Giants vs midgets picture!

Oh and Amon Amarth, cuz I think they are playing in Bochum or something. :heh:
Who's that?

I think they are a band or something, or is that a war story you are showing with your sig...

Amon Amarth caused a Bloodbath with a Battlesword at Korpiklaani. Eluveitie is now Six Feet Under from the Bolt Thrower Be'lakor and Wulfgar used at Ensiferum?