The Avenger Booklet Question!

The Bringer

Dec 8, 2003
British Columbia, Canada
On the back page of the booklet it says...

"Any references made to implicate that there are cover bands out there that really sucks found on this recording are purely intentional."

Can anyone tell me exactly what Amon Amarth is pointing at?:hypno:
here's what ted once said about that hammerfall-thing:

"5) The lyrics of all the songs are refering to Ancient Gods and Vikings
except "MetalWrath". Reading the credits I also found another reference to
this. Would you like to explain to me how this has started and why?

Well that's a long story, but to make it short, we met the guitarist of a
certain new heavy metal band on the pub a couple of years ago and he proved to be
a fucking wimp, not metal at all. "You should not drink beer in plastic glass
because it's bad for the environment" and so on, even though the glass was the
kind you can wash and use again. So we thought, man that was a strange type, and
since then we've met the band several times on festivals and it has always been
the same story "No we can't drink beer right now because we've brushed our teeth
and put our hair in a tail" ???. But on stage they're so fucking metal!
The only thing they do is rip music from good old bands. "
$HaMbLeZz said:
"You should not drink beer in plastic glass
because it's bad for the environment"

"No we can't drink beer right now because we've brushed our teeth
and put our hair in a tail"

LMAO! Man Hammerfall sounds pretty wimpy. He should have pulled his fucking pony tail right off his head.
i'm all for protecting the environment.
i always recycle and shit.

but this quote "No we can't drink beer right now because we've brushed our teeth and put our hair in a tail" is indeed hilarious.
I don't think this is an issue today. Both bands have grown older and all that.
But at the time it was a little "metal war" :grin:
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
"You should not drink beer in plastic glass
because it's bad for the environment"

What's wrong with above?

nothing really, beer in a glass is better i think. But if somebody offers me a plastic glass of beer.. i dont really care.. the beer is still the same beer! but i think people may care more about the environment..