The awkward moment when...

When your fucking a bitch with your hands round her neck and she dies

yes but the real kicker to that is ... do you finish?
When you pinch the balls of a good old mate behind you in the middle of a crowd but that's not him after all (poker face, act like nothing ever happened)

When the hot chick you're hitting on suddenly has a gooey slimy booger dangling from her nose.
true story brah


ok, i'm gonna break it down for you. in biology, a omnipotent (or totipotent) stem cell can differentiate into any cell and thus have any specific function later on - moreover, a whole organism can develop out of it. so, to conclude: i said your thread can become anything because you covered almost every area of this forum in one single post (off-topic and RMM). dude, it's not that hard, just read the damn wikipedia article and use your brain.
ok, i'm gonna break it down for you. in biology, a omnipotent (or totipotent) stem cell can differentiate into any cell and thus have any specific function later on - moreover, a whole organism can develop out of it. so, to conclude: i said your thread can become anything because you covered almost every area of this forum in one single post (off-topic and RMM). dude, it's not that hard, just read the damn wikipedia article and use your brain.


i wont hold it against you since it is kinda hard to detect sarcasm through text, even though i thought the 3 periods at the end of "nope" would give you the idea

but then again, Troll face IS in my sig *facepalm* xD

Another awkward moment happened today, and it explains why im still awake at 6:30 AM

That awkward moment when you chug a bottle of water off the kitchen counter after weed-wackin, and your brother comes in and yells "Oh My God! did you drink that water" i responded yes, and he just kinda shook his head and left.

now that it is 14 hours later, (was already up for more than 8 at that time) i remembered my brother disolves his daily adderall doses in a bottle of water because they make it taste sweet and he doesnt like swallowing pills, and this was the dosage for someone who has been taking adderall for 9 years, i have NEVER taken any, ergo i ingested 90 mg's of adderall on an empty stomach, having never done it before, When i realised what i did i started to panic lol, but I looked it up on erowid, ima be fine cause im 270 lbs, if i was like 150 i would have had to go get my stomach pumped, but i am still awaiting the arivall of sleep....this fucking sucks >:|

and before you guys start the "omg drugs" posts, it was entirely un-intentional, i smoke weed and that is it lol, i was thirsty as fuck, i saw a bottle of water, i chugged it, now it would seem sleep is just a fading memory
gosh.. this won't work out..

if your talking about the thread not working out, it isnt, probably about time for it to die.

if its not the thread i can only assume your talking about me, in which case, it probably wont either, but i remain hopeful as sevestring is the only forum ive ever actually been banned from.

oh yea, it also sais im an ass-hat right under my user name, and as if the name That_one_guy isn't prick-ish enough
The fact that you say "brah" is probably enough to let most people here know what kind of person they're dealing with ... No need to keep making mention of your pic or what your sig is

We get it kid
what the fuck....seriously, i vaguely remember someone saying something about being able to take a joke, even if my sense of humor isn't in your tastes there is no need to be assholes about it. Why try and make a thread you wanted to be funny and entertaining if everyone is so fucking serious.

I challenge you to find one thing i said in this thread that warranted responses like these, other than maybe me posting my mixes because i wasn't used to the layout of the forum. And the overwhelmingly obvious sarcasm that only a couple of you seemed to pick up on.

And what does my weight have to with anything? I was telling a past story in first-person point of view? for what its worth i lost some weight but i still dont see why my weight seems so important to you guys? And i'm 22, but i don't see why that matters either.

Also what kind of person would make assumptions just because someone said "brah", especially in obviously sarcastic context.

to those of you who were not complete fucking dicks, thank you, but to the rest, fuck off.
Its ok guy, I'm just trolling while you troll. I expect a good troll to weigh in heavily on the issues of the day. Please troll on and keep it troll sized. Keep your feelings to your chest if you can stomach them which I'm sure you can, being chief troll and all. Its important that we all live it lard, I live life to the full in my big fat rolls, that car is a beauty of girth and a man must troll hard in a rolls even when he's just on a roll.

Remember though, we can work round these problems, I go to mass personally and pray on the more substantial plights I have. Every week in work I tackle issues of girth such whaling which always has me wailing. You can be a better person too and you don't have to butter anyone, just be yourself and stay inflated. Remember, life is a game, blimp and you'll miss it.