The Band Shirt Thread

Never heard them before but cool shirt nonetheless.
I own that Portal shirt... it gets alot of weird looks.

Finally got my stuff from gutterchrist... Devourment and Cephalotripsy... and a Putrid Pile cd and some death/grind comp that looks pretty cool... the quality of the shirts seems kinda shitty though... I'd have to rec staying away from that place. (sub par quality and high prices is a bad combo)

Thinking about doing a black metal shirt haul from eat death... some combination of Archgoat, Von, Sarcofago, Sabbat, and Destroyer 666 or Leviathan or something...
Did you contact them and see if they still have it?
He may just not have it pictured any more...

I'm gonna end up buying a bunch of black metal and doom metal shirts from him.
John Gossard asked him to take it down and stop printing anymore Weakling shirts. Maybe he would still do it but I dunno, I'll ask some time.


Bought a couple shirts because they were extra cheap...

I know I know, deathcore is gay, I'm gay for liking it, buy the cds not shirts you faggort...

But hey... I wanted to buy something, I like both bands, and they were $22 total.
I have the following:

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
Darkthrone - logo
Emperor - Hordanes Land
Emperor - Emperial Live Ceremony
Impaled Nazarene - Suomi Finland Perkele
Bergthron - Wotanskult
Dismember - logo
Zemial - In Monumentum
Enslaved - (old) logo
Windir - logo
Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss
Burzum - Det som engang var
Samael - Worship Him
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Bathory - s/t
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal (total wolf shirt this one!)
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
Absu - Mythological Occult Metal