Anyone else have way too many band shirts?

I dont hate black metal... I can enjoy the black metal period of Bathory... and I dont mind my death metal to be blackened... but as a genre... not my cup of tea.
Nice froztbittin avatar.

why ty. is Abbath & Fenriz chillin in ze forest of Agalloch. brruuttaaallzzz.

So I have an itch to buy something...

I'm thinking a zip up sweatshirt is in order.

Here's what I've found that I like so far.







The Amon Amarth one is classy and pretty much sex... the Impetigo one is old school (I already have a tshirt of the same design) and the LA murderfest one I like because of the giant band listing on the back. (I'm seeing Napalm Death, Entombed, Cattle Decapitation, Monstrosity, and Denial Fiend to name a few)
I may be able to get the bottom two together for $60 or less shipped... need to check.