The band wants to accept this shitty mix!!!


New Metal Member
Nov 24, 2011
Hi, during a process of mixing an album I've ended up in a dead end. Because of guitars the overall tone was dull... Today I've been working with a band member on the mix and after few hours with no results in my frustration I've tossed some drastic EQ on the master fader just to pinpoint the frequencies we are lacking. Unexpectedly he said that he likes the result and wants to go on with it!!!! I'm totally unsatisfied with the sound, because it is uneven and compression works in horrible way, but he said, that he likes it and accepts rhis version!

Give it a listen and tell me that he is insane.... 1 eq boosted mix.mp3
The thing is they wanted to sound like King Lizzard when they have recorded this at other guy's studio and then they've changed they mind when it came to mixing saying they want it to sound more metal.... I have DI's only for left guitar track, I've used it to reamp with Peavey 5150. I've panned the track left and then sent it to aux with delay of 50ms and panned that right. It made a big deal adding some "metalishness" to the tone, but due to obvious phase issues I've used it only to add some color to original guitar tracks.
Sure the guitars are sloppy and out of tune and cloudy, but what's bugging me the most is the almost inaudible vocals. If the guitars suck then gut 'em and make more room for other instruments and especially the vocals, but perhaps it's too late to make such a drastic change.
Ok, other band members heard it and loved it! This causes a great moral struggle in me, because they are happy with a mix that is dead wrong from technical point of view because the final sound was achieved not by balancing the tracks, but making a drastic EQ changes on the master channel (soundgoodizer anyone?). Damn it sucks to be a beginner...
not a optimal mix from the technical-view, but don't guve a fuck about that. the band loves it, thats the only thing that matters. I like too! it's very special and not a boring 08/15-mix where everyting is perfeclty but nearly soulless. the vibe in yout mix is very cool, specialy your work with the delays / verbs on the vox and guitars. Vocals could probably be a little louder, but i like how they are a little "hidden" by the other instruments. this is no radio-pop where the vocals sells the music i guess)

the band loves it, so be happy and move on ;)

whats the band btw?
I think the mix sounds good, I think the problem lies within the guitars setup, fret buzz maybe?
The band name is Nihilosaur. And yes, they are not playing the radio stuff :) Maybe I should just leave the things dirty?
Throw some Waves SSL channels on everything lol Redline EQ the vocals. ...I get into it with my son about mixes, he's used to hearing stuff so loud and noisy he doesn't realize most people want to actually listen to it at low volumes unless they are 15 years old also.

I think, though seriously...the drums & bass are just too mellow for the guitars & the guitars aren't the biggest problem?