The Basic Basics


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
Hey guys, i know this will probably be another dumb question, but I've been using the search feature on the forum and I understand some stuff but sometimes a lot of the discussions are way over my head. I was wondering if anyone knew of a tutorial or FAQ of just the raw basics of digital recording. I'm looking to start recording Local bands here in SLC for free and want to start purchasing my pc and accessories. From what I've seen so far I should just get a good PC with 2+ gig ram, Dual Core, and a good audio card. Well than I run into what the fuck does a pre amp do? what audio interface should i get? what Daw should i get? ANY help will be greatly appreciated. I know this question has probably been answered before but most of the people asking seem to be more knowledgeable than I. Thanks again.
the problem is that this question is so broad....
there are entire books about that, I really don't know how to answer it in a forum :(
Sorry I can't help.
There are some really great books out there (depending on what you wanna focus on)
Have to admit that Google is probably your best resource with such a big broad questions as that - so much is going to be in the details of which DAW you choose, the equipment you go with, the knowledge you already have. Maybe this will help: (I just goolged "digital audio recording beginners" that was one of the first links.