The battle rap thread

Glad I didn't alienate ya
You don't seem to be a faker
But you need to cut down on the boganism
Before you end up like Blurry, getting with homeless women
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Go ahead an' hurt my feelin'
You've done it now, left me reelin'
You are too fucking heartless
I'll let Blurry fuck your carcass
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Oh snap, that would be disastrous
Even if I was dead, I'd still run from him the fastest
I see your down with shit, you know how it goes
But I heard that when you flow Blurry sucks your toes
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Stop tryin' t' be cool
Stop actin' the fool
You bein' lead by the nose
'cause they aint my toes
If you could see past your drool
You'd know Blurry's sucking your tool.
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Bitch please, you spit rhymes more lame than Ja Rule
Best to get back to work on your car, fool
Cause you know me, my rhymes ain't stolen
I still scream "Fuck Slammed" from out the window of my Holden
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I shoulda known I'd need more than a slogan
To get in a wrap battle with a complete bogan
But I just wanted to give you a gift
To stop you riding that stickshift
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When Jimmy says "Holden" he means what he does with dicks,
This NBL reject thinks he's above Ja Rule n shit.
Venni Vetti Vecci was nothin but punchlines and hits,
Stick to playin bass with hipsters kid, hit the bricks.
I'm-a walkin lick, a bush hick that's quick with the wit,
Slammin grogans like cowpie golf with one hit.
I'm a hard head surrounded by pussies like a clit,
This ain't America but after I'm done you'll be a crip.
Yo CiG, think you're big? Think you're quick?
Got anything in your trousers besides a limp, little dick?
Do I really have to expose just how wack you are?
Boy, you couldn't flip shit if you were in a toilet with a spatula
Only shit you flip is when you roll over at night,
Haircut like a dyke, you know ya mum stay tight with my pipe.
My dick looks little because her hands are so big,
And your dick doesn't cos that black chick you're with is a kid.
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She may be a kid, but she knows how to be screwin' me
Your rhyme is weak, I kick with ingenuity
You said before that you're a clit, that still makes you a pussy
Sad fact of the matter is you ain't even good-looking
We all know "SA" pays to get laid
Spitting rhymes that are straight up minute-made
You ain't got what required, 'bout time you retired
How can you keep up with a man who spits straight fire?
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By "kick with" I assume you mean you kicked it?
Cos I feel like I heard all this shit the moment you spitted it.
Only dragons spit fire that makes your skill a myth,
But I bring flexibility and liquid like Bruce Lee did.
And if I'm a pussy that means you can't fuck with me,
We all know Melbourne brings nothin but homosexuality.
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That may be true that Melbs is chock-full of gay dudes
But I know you fiend for the cock, you keep droppin' those clues
To represent's my temperament
But, bitch, your engine runs on estrogen
Think about that before you flex again
Your rhyme scheme is more lazy than a sleepy Mexican
When it comes to wack styles you're the #1 specimen
I know this shit cause your posts are the evidence
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I'm not droppin clues you're just a faggot detective,
Like the alt-right seeing Jews in everything they see, your shit is defective.
My rhymes are selective, you're a lyrical slut.
No standards, no forethought, just squirting outta your butt.
Though that 'sleepy Mexican' reference was still pretty nice,
South Park is the shit that show is my vice.
And I agree my fuel is estrogen I need to eat a bitch to run,
That's why I'm chewing your arms off and fuckin your mum.
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Damn son, I appreciate your skills
Even if you may have hit up your boy Cousins for some pills
I'm a fan of South Park, Baseketball & Orgazmo
Body-bagging them shortys that flip them spaz flows
Yeah, boy, I'm slut straight up droppin' vicious cuts
And you know I give zero fucks
But I see you raggin' on my mum, I won't take that dumb bait
You wish you could eat her out to find out how Tech's cum tastes
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You got that mixed up, you don't give no fucks that's what you get,
But I'll lay off your mum, I know you're the only one to get her wet.
Talking bout Tech's cum is a weird flex, I'll pop your cap like a fresh Schweppes.
Speaking of "raggin" I think you're on yours, your dickhole flows stink like sweat pores.
Urban queerbait vs bush magician, like a clinician slicing you up with boomerang incisions.
I'm on a mission just think of me as Braddock, bring nothin but havoc to a faggot ass dick addict.
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Ain't no dick addict, that be your habit
You see a trouser snake & you can't help but grab at it
I wanna cut you a break, so you don't go too far
You be a biter in real life and a shitcunt on your computer
Yo fam, I could expose you for being half a man
Make you pass up the mic just like that bitch Slammed
Don't matter what the fuck you wanna do
I'll still be number one, you'll always be number two
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