The Best Album

Originally posted by KielbasaSausage
mine is Still Life

I love your name KielbasaSausage! :lol:

I presume our intrepid thread initiator is meaning Opeth albums... here we go again...

All of them except Orchid.....(brightoffksi will kill me)
well, none of them suck, they are all the greatest albums in the world, but i have to say morningrise is mine
My Parklife, Your Morning Orchid.

hmmmm still MAYH, closely followed by Still Life.
Originally posted by Devilish monster from the hill
Still life of course...
Pereciendo, how can you say that Blackwater Park is their best? IT SUCKS!
I think you need some listening to do...

Why must one flame others for their choice in music? :confused:

My favorite is Blackwater Park. And I've listened to ALL albums MANY times.

So I guess by your standards, I am clueless and a musical listening moron, and also, Opeth must suck by default since the album sucks.

Geez - when will people learn. People have INDIVIDUAL tastes. Just answer the question as posed, and leave others out of it. (yeah - like I ever expect THAT to happen :rolleyes: )
sometimes Morningrise. sometimes Still Life. Sometimes Blackwater Park. depends on what mood I'm in............or what drugs i'm on.
"Still Life" is the best Opeth album in my opinion.
Only cause it's the first one I got and therefore
has probably listened to it more. But when I put
on "Blackwater Park" I usually think that one is
the best one etc. But "Still Life" always "wins" in
my mind >:eek:)