The Best Decade of Metal

kontan said:
All the bands that actualy CAN and KNOW how to play music born (or develop their music) in the 90's
This can be said for the 80's not the 90's. The only problem I had with the 80's were the hair bands and the cock rockers passing themselves off as being metal like Poison, Whitesnake, Winger, etc. Give me a break :puke:
Black Sabbath
Judas Priest

Iron Maiden

Best Death, Black, Thrash, Doom, Power e.t.c
Iron Maiden

Extreme Metal getting more extreme + new bands showing true cMetal
Iron Maiden(still at their best)

70's was just full of starter bands
80's was the development decade
90's was the developed decade(best)
00's has so far shown the Metal movement hasn't stopped and a lot more can be achieved in Metal.
90's and 00's are the best years in recording digital status but as music goes they were crap. I take the 80's and 70's over those decades. They are the ones i listen to the most.
The 1980's.

Just for the sheer overwhelming amount of great music accessible everywhere: Pop Radio, MTV, New Wave, Underground, Independent, and yes very definitely HEAVY METAL in and out of the USA. I would take any random song of the 80's over the vast ugly majority of the 90's colorless "alternative"/grunge/industrial, 70's disco, and the 00's "Let's see who can sing blacker" bullshit pop culture we have today.:puke:

Honestly no fucking comparison; although I would miss Symphony X very much who represent what the evolution of music after the 80's should have been like.

And I agree Merciless Onslaught, the only drawback of the 80's were the lame hair bands like Warrant, Winger, the Bad English's, and all other late 80's hair band clones.
1. 90's- Tons of variety, even in the mainstream if you looked hard enough. Something fresh and exciting was always coming out from tons of different bands.
2. 70's- Purity in music. This would be #1 if the 70's didn't have such a limited selection. I imagine it took much more patience to be a music lover in the 70's, just because you would have to wait so long for one of your favorite bands to release something. Today you can just occupy yourself with some other crap until what you're waiting for comes out.
3. 00's- So far it's been weak. Mainstream metal sucks once again, and I'm sorry, but most underground metal isn't much better either. It's all been dumbed down and sapped of all originality.
4. 80's- Oh god, I don't even want to start. But I will. The 80's SUCKED. It took all of the coolness out of being in a metal band or even being a metalhead. That word damn near makes me puke, and that's because of the 80's. Even the bands I'm supposed to like (Old Metallica and Judas Priest, to name a couple) have no impact on me. And Glam/Hair metal, whatever you want to call it, made rock a joke for a long time.

BUT Maiden is the greatest band of all time, hands down, 80's or not.

While most of the good 90s bands actually started in the 80s, it was the 90s where they produced their best material. So far the 00s seem fairly promising, but will have to wait and see. Obviously, this is only in terms of metal, pop was much better in the 70s/80s