The Best Micing position.. Hands Down


¯\(°_o)/¯ - How do?
Dec 3, 2007
Petoskey, Michigan
To be honest, I recorded the first demo of my first band (20+ years ago) using a open-back combo placed in a bathroom and MIC'd FROM BEHIND USING THIS EXACT MIC POSITION. Sounded great (AFAIR...).
Umm, I don't think I write +1 that often actually, and a quick search of my recent posts (by post) will confirm as much ;)

EDIT: Or to be more accurate, I don't think I write it any more often than your average forum-goer
That pic was from a while back, if I get some spare time after work this weekend, ill set it up again and make some purple pleather chair impulses ;)
or even just see what it sounds like.. im curious now too