the best/most realistic amp sims for you?

TSE TS1.1 + TSE X50 into LeCab 2 always for me. As for IR's, I usually mix 2 together, really just depends for which.
Peavey Revalver. I can cop tones that are crazy close to what I get out of my Boogie and Diezel at the studio.
another seemingly unpopular sim around here but softube MAR works extremely well for my scratch tracks..

edit: tse808 before ^
where can i download KEfir? is it free?
and how do you set Kefir and legion for a good sound?
Its strange that almost never nobody agree me. I agree with Far that Kuassa Creme is really great. I'm liking TH2 and AT3.7 a lot.
Maybe not realistic, but I really like Aradaz "Green" sim a lot. I'd been using mostly LePou's stuff, which I think are some of the best amp sims out there, but for me, the Aradaz Green got me closer to where I wanted to get.
Its strange that almost never nobody agree me. I agree with Far that Kuassa Creme is really great. I'm liking TH2 and AT3.7 a lot.

I really like TH2, but I just can't afford to spend that kind of money on it, when I already own POD Farm and Revalver and rarely ever use them, because I like X50 better :lol:

Not a huge fan of Amplitube or Guitar Rig, though.
Another vote for Lepou's Legion! That's a damn fine amp sim... I've posted some shootouts comparing it to the real 6505 (I know it's not based on it, but just to show how real and organic can it sound).
Second: Lepou's LE456
Third: Peavey Revalver (6505 specifically)
I was using the Lecto for a while but lately I've found the X50 to suit me better. Also been messing with the Anvil a little. Always use Boogex as the ir loader, never got along with lecab for some reason and kefir seems to sound different in a bad way. BTE TS Secret for the OD.
x50, LeGion, Le456, Lecto, Revalver, 8505, LeXtac is great for leads/solo, HyBrit is great for lower gain, there is a bunch of good ones out there.

good impulses can be the general "go-to" impulse: s-preshigh, or Orange_2mics, or ones from the God's Cab collection. recently, ive actually liked blending spreshigh with the stock Soldano impulse from the original LeCab, kinda works for me in the mid range depending on the mix.