Dual Rectifier vs itself and 6 amp sims (shootout)

Yeah I was totally busting balls, I find it hard to believe someone would actually take the word "luddite" as a serious insult :lol:
Yes. Lets play down the insulting comments made by someone of the club... but in many other threads, lets insult those NOT of the club.

That's unfair man. This forum is great, I don't think this is really happening alot around here. But sure, someone who is "in", "cool" and generally "popular" will probably be more well met than someone who isn't, and people might respond more to their comments and threads... but this is just something natural to humans. Can you tell me one place where this doesn't happen?

But to say that they would be mean to people outside their "circle"... don't think so dude.
Okay, I've updated the partial keys.zip file even further.

"The partial keys.zip file now contains five txt files each containing some hints. The hints are inside the txt file so you can unzip the file without worry. One file reveals which are impulses and which use real cabs, one tells you which is the real amp and real cab file, one tells you which two use the real amp head, one tells you which files are using Revalver (for those who want to blindly compare only MKII and MKIII, and finally the last one tells you which files are the same amp or amp sim."

Damn you Metaltastic and your legitimate concerns! :lol:
Hey mintcheerios - this is a very interesting comparison!!!
And thanks for that. Good job mate.

I tried to figure out which clips are the same thing. But I was very surprised to find out that they weren't!
I liked most 2+8 and then 3+6 with 10+15 (sounded very silimar to me).

Just one question: did you really make the impulse of the cab without touching anything? (e.g. moving mic etc.)
Because when I was trying to do my own impulse a while ago, I just couldn't tell the diference between mic and IR sound - and also I was able to subtract cab and IR WAVs almost completely - it wasn't digital silence though, the resulting WAV is like 28dB quieter than both subtracted WAVs - that's because I had to change amp volume between miking the cab and doing the test sweep and then I obviously couldn't match both WAVs' volume exactly - so they'd never cancel completely.

What I meant by not touching anything was that the mic position stayed the same. I did have to touch the amp head to setup the power section. The Dual Rec manual says to set to orange mode and normal under channel style to get the most neutral settings for the power amp.

I got the sweep volume to be similar to the guitar volume before I recorded the impulse. Of course it won't be exact, but I had them both go right before peaking. The preamp gain was the same on both.
Great shootout. Thank you for taking the time to do this. :rock:

Real amp + Real Cab was clearly the best sounding, but for me, two of the amp sims with real cabs came quite close.
Just curious, did anyone actually successfully guess the real amp and real cab file without looking or using any of the hints?
It's hard to believe that you have such a lack of perspective. If I'd called you a dickhead in retaliation, everyone would've pounced on me.

Jesus dude, chill out. I think you've taken Marcus' comment way too seriously. And to be honest I think his comment was very appropriate. And that's nothing to do with the fact that Marcus has been on the forum longer than you, is in our "club" or whatever, he made a valid comment, and the Mr Luddite bit was just a bit of sarcasm. This forum can be pretty racey at times and we all rip into each other, but everyone knows it's all in jest and is never meant to hurt anyone. So just take it in your stride, and just deal with it, making comments like you made isn't going to help anything.

And if I offended you by saying any of this, then I'm sorry, just trying to help you realise that Marcus' comment wasn't malicious in any sense of the word.

And back on topic, I'll have a listen to these later, very interested if some of those modelers can get close to a real recto as some of the people who posted comments seem to think they can.a
Just curious, did anyone actually successfully guess the real amp and real cab file without looking or using any of the hints?

I wasn't able to do this on first listen. The real cab is a lot easier to identify than the real amp in my opinion. This might be the result of running them through the actual power amp. As I think someone made clear in one of the impulse or nebula related threads this makes more of a difference than I initially thought it would.
Jesus dude, chill out. I think you've taken Marcus' comment way too seriously. And to be honest I think his comment was very appropriate. And that's nothing to do with the fact that Marcus has been on the forum longer than you, is in our "club" or whatever, he made a valid comment, and the Mr Luddite bit was just a bit of sarcasm. This forum can be pretty racey at times and we all rip into each other, but everyone knows it's all in jest and is never meant to hurt anyone. So just take it in your stride, and just deal with it, making comments like you made isn't going to help anything.

And if I offended you by saying any of this, then I'm sorry, just trying to help you realise that Marcus' comment wasn't malicious in any sense of the word.

And back on topic, I'll have a listen to these later, very interested if some of those modelers can get close to a real recto as some of the people who posted comments seem to think they can.a

Without us getting into this too much.... Marcus can make a comment, and it not be malicious... but when I make a comment of my own (which was a hypothetical scenario to prove a point) then I'm being unhelpful?

Me thinks you're seeking to defend Marcus just a little too much than is necessary.

Anyway, I'd forgotten about it until you decided to re-open the conversation. You should've just let it go, in the same way you're advising me.

Bit hypocritical if you ask me.
Without us getting into this too much.... Marcus can make a comment, and it not be malicious... but when I make a comment of my own (which was a hypothetical scenario to prove a point) then I'm being unhelpful?

Me thinks you're seeking to defend Marcus just a little too much than is necessary.

Anyway, I'd forgotten about it until you decided to re-open the conversation. You should've just let it go, in the same way you're advising me.

Bit hypocritical if you ask me.

Well to be honest, since your last post on this topic was still bitching about Marcus, how the fuck was I supposed to know you'd forgotten it? And the reason I re-opened the conversation was because I thought you were being too quick with your analysis of this forum where you think we spew elitist bullshit where we won't listen to you unless you're in the "club". Marcus jumped on you a little quick here, but generally if someone has something interested/helpful/insightful to say, we will listen, no matter how long you've been posting here/how many posts you've had. If Marcus posts something I don't agree with, then I'll tell him, same with Ermin, same with Lasse, etc. I don't give a fuck how long you've been here, and neither does anyone else.
its valentines day, I`m banging my old lady several times today!!! :) and you guys are online arguing with someone across the world for calling you a luddite! hahahahahahah go get laid hahahahahaha

Lol, so you stopped banging your woman to come on here and tell us that? What a waste of time lol.