The best music DVD


one in a million
Sep 15, 2003
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By far the very best music DVD out at the moment has to be THRESHOLD - CRITICAL ENERGY. :worship:
Hell, people, don't waste your money on other shit but go check that one out if you like perfect supreme prog metal. I got it yesterday and am still floored by it and collecting my socks from the other end of the room.
Until yesterday Rush in Rio was my favorite but if you think that Threshold had such a much lower budget their's waaaay beats it!
Can anyone tell me why this band fills no stadims yet as well????????? :erk:
I really liked Rush in Rio, but even more Led Zeppelin's "How the West was Won." Far beyond Song Remains the Same in that it has footage from a bunch of different points in their career. It's really great stuff, too.
ProgMetalFan said:
Where is the Critical ENergy DVD available?

You can get it from the official website and I'd get the limited edition because for only a few bucks more to the price you get two live CDs as well. A really nice package, IMO.

Yes, Lamentations will have to come next in my favorites aswell, coming to think about it. Threshold just have all that amazing power whereas Opeth is more something for a nice romantic evening. At least the first part. :)
The best music DVD's are easily Death's Live In L.A. show and Metallica's Binge And Purge (I don't care if you hate Metallica, they're an amazing live band and they play all the classic material).

Dream Theater's Scenes From A Memory DVD in New York is also good.
Satch Live in San Francisco is quite good. I'm not sure if it's the best though.

For making us wait till they can "do it right", the Symphony X DVD had better blow everything else off the planet when it is released (if ever).