The best song Summoning ever wrote is...

Summoning, folks!

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nothing sucks but there are definitely less interesting songs, esp. on the debut, minas morgul and let mortal heroes sing your fame
Apparently I only have Oathbound and Stronghold in the collection, but I just purchased Minas Morgul and Nightshade Forests.

And some Noekk album. Hooray combined shipping!
Nad be smart and order Dol Guldur plz

from the website (yes, some bands actually still have websites, amazingly...)

We now have finished the composing and selection process of the songs for the new albums (7 songs and one intro). All songs that did not find the way to the album will hopefully be released on future limited releases. In the next months we will record the already composed guitar lines and work on the lyrical concept of the album.

We also collected some paintings for the new album and will work on the visual concept from now on. We hope to be finished with everything untill the end of the year, so that the album can be released by Napalm Records in the first quater of the year 2013.

We also have the news from Napalm Records that in the end of this year there will be a vinyl release of some older Summoning releases. More details soon.

please let them keep the deadline for once...
I'm pretty sure all of their "songs" are just variations of the same one. And a glorious one it is!
This was one of those band where I bought one album and thought "yeah, this is enough" for several years.

Oh how mistaken I was. I loooooooooove everything on Nightshade Forests the most. Buying Dol Guldur today.
Ellestin has been listening to Summoning, Bjork, The National and "The Final Countdown"

New answer : any random song on the new album.

They haven’t just outdone themselves. They killed music.

Listening to the snippets on Amazon, holy hell = insta pre-order. (Was going to do so anyhow, but I'll now be doing it fully erect.)

A low quality rip is rumor to have leaked, don't know if I want to touch it though. It would be like banging a pr0nstar on the rag. :heh:

Edit - Fuck Yes!

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I pre-ordered the fancy one from the label. I'll wait to listen, I actually thought the preview thing was lame, haha. I'm sure the album will rule.

For realz tho, The Passing of the Grey Company. So fucking good.
A low quality rip is rumor to have leaked, don't know if I want to touch it though. It would be like banging a pr0nstar on the rag. :heh:

Edit - Fuck Yes!

1. this. but i figure hearing one song wouldn't hurt.

2. [jaw drops to the floor]

3. that just maybe one of the best vocal performances i've ever heard from silenius. and it even sounds like he and protector trade off in the pre-chorus, which i don't think they've done since the old days.
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yeah that song is pretty much my favourite on the album, and probably on pars with Khazad Dûm and Kortirion Among the Trees as bestevar. But I have to say, all the other new songs - save one that is a bit weaker - are close seconds.