The best song Summoning ever wrote is...

Summoning, folks!

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This is everything the cheap-ass title font is not

What's the release date? May actually buy this shit
Got word that mine shipped this week, along with a bunch of other Summoning.

I never buy albums upon release date anymore, so I am as happy as a little girl.
Got my Summoning box of the new album yesterday. Had to get the crap I don't need for the bonustracks (flag, pendant and patch).
I love the fuck out of Flammifer from the new one, especially the intro.

The new one is pretty god damn awesome so far.

And I am forever a god damn teenager, as shown.

I'm sure this has been seen by many here, but I stumbled across this today and it rocked my wool socks off.
completed this MOST PEERLESS MAGICAL of collections at long last


been missing oath bound and lugburz for quite a while
I too did the smart thing and Collect(ed) 'Em All when the new one was released.

While I haven't listened to Lugburz all the way through, I'd say Nightshade Forests is the best for me.

Probably the most consistently awesome band I know, along with Colour Haze and maybe Enslaved.
Can someone explain Summoning to me?

I know I checked them out years ago, but for whatever reason I passed on them. When the new disc started creating spontaneous internet circle jerks, including in this forum, I once again gave them a shot. I don't care for it. It's not bad, it's just not good. Typically, I would merely shrug that off as a difference in tastes. But what I don't get with this band is, why they get so much love here. Their music does not strike me as original, and it's hard to know what sounds worse; the Casio keyboard sound effects that accompany every song (and sound no different from track to track) or the god awful drum machine sound (which also sounds no different from track to track). Obviously the question is tinged with sarcasm, but it's also quite serious; I genuinely don't get it. What am I missing?
Their music does not strike me as original
well ok

so can you name one single band that sounds anything like them




i don't know what to tell you except if you don't get it you probably just don't get it

it's music that does a very particular thing and does it real well and if you're not into that thing then it will not move you, i guess


(this message brought to you by several beers)
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Summoning definitely appeals to my electronic music sensibilities far more than my metal tendencies.

I think they are a very specific love for a specific people. Headbangers who like keyboards and Tolkien.
Original? No one was doing this is 1994 and no one is doing it now except for clones (SEE Caladan Brood, though I really like their album)

Summoning and Graveland, keeping it real since the early 90's
so can you name one single band that sounds anything like them

it's music that does a very particular thing and does it real well and if you're not into that thing then it will not move you, i guess
I guess. Like I said, it's not so much that it doesn't move me. Most things don't. However, I can usually at least appreciate what people like about a band; Bathory, Negura Bunget, etc. I don't like these bands, but I can see what they're doing that people like. Summoning just strikes me as odd.

Summoning definitely appeals to my electronic music sensibilities far more than my metal tendencies.

I think they are a very specific love for a specific people. Headbangers who like keyboards and Tolkien.
That makes sense.

Original? No one was doing this is 1994 and no one is doing it now except for clones (SEE Caladan Brood, though I really like their album)

Summoning and Graveland, keeping it real since the early 90's
And perhaps if I had heard Summoning in 1994 I'd have a much different appreciation for them.
more of em shitz

Good songs, the closing theme of "With Fire and Swords" made me jizz on the ceiling, but it's quite obvious why these weren't included on the original release.
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